mirror of
synced 2024-01-19 02:48:24 +00:00
change it to 1GB, to be consistent with docker images. On k8s and docker, the initial disk spaces usually are not large enough, causing many new users asking about the "no free volume" question.
438 lines
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438 lines
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# Available parameters and their default values for the SeaweedFS chart.
registry: ""
repository: ""
imageName: chrislusf/seaweedfs
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets: imagepullsecret
restartPolicy: Always
loggingLevel: 1
enableSecurity: false
enabled: false
gatewayHost: null
gatewayPort: null
# if enabled will use global.replicationPlacment and override master & filer defaultReplicaPlacement config
enableReplication: false
# replication type is XYZ:
# X number of replica in other data centers
# Y number of replica in other racks in the same data center
# Z number of replica in other servers in the same rack
replicationPlacment: "001"
WEED_CLUSTER_SW_MASTER: "seaweedfs-master:9333"
WEED_CLUSTER_SW_FILER: "seaweedfs-filer-client:8888"
registry: ""
repository: ""
enabled: true
repository: null
imageName: null
imageTag: null
imageOverride: null
restartPolicy: null
replicas: 1
port: 9333
grpcPort: 19333
ipBind: ""
volumePreallocate: false
volumeSizeLimitMB: 1000
loggingOverrideLevel: null
#number of seconds between heartbeats, default 5
pulseSeconds: null
#threshold to vacuum and reclaim spaces, default 0.3 (30%)
garbageThreshold: null
#Prometheus push interval in seconds, default 15
metricsIntervalSec: 15
# replication type is XYZ:
# X number of replica in other data centers
# Y number of replica in other racks in the same data center
# Z number of replica in other servers in the same rack
defaultReplication: "000"
# Disable http request, only gRpc operations are allowed
disableHttp: false
extraVolumes: ""
extraVolumeMounts: ""
# storage and storageClass are the settings for configuring stateful
# storage for the master pods. storage should be set to the disk size of
# the attached volume. storageClass is the class of storage which defaults
# to null (the Kube cluster will pick the default).
storage: 25Gi
storageClass: null
# Resource requests, limits, etc. for the master cluster placement. This
# should map directly to the value of the resources field for a PodSpec,
# formatted as a multi-line string. By default no direct resource request
# is made.
resources: null
# updatePartition is used to control a careful rolling update of SeaweedFS
# masters.
updatePartition: 0
# Affinity Settings
# Commenting out or setting as empty the affinity variable, will allow
# deployment to single node services such as Minikube
affinity: |
- labelSelector:
app: {{ template "seaweedfs.name" . }}
release: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
component: master
topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
# Toleration Settings for master pods
# This should be a multi-line string matching the Toleration array
# in a PodSpec.
tolerations: ""
# nodeSelector labels for master pod assignment, formatted as a muli-line string.
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
# Example:
# nodeSelector: |
# beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
nodeSelector: |
sw-backend: "true"
# used to assign priority to master pods
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/
priorityClassName: ""
enabled: false
className: "nginx"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-type: "basic"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-secret: "default/ingress-basic-auth-secret"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-realm: 'Authentication Required - SW-Master'
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/service-upstream: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$1
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/enable-rewrite-log: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: "false"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
sub_filter '<head>' '<head> <base href="/sw-master/">'; #add base url
sub_filter '="/' '="./'; #make absolute paths to relative
sub_filter '=/' '=./';
sub_filter '/seaweedfsstatic' './seaweedfsstatic';
sub_filter_once off;
enabled: true
repository: null
imageName: null
imageTag: null
imageOverride: null
restartPolicy: null
port: 8080
grpcPort: 18080
metricsPort: 9327
ipBind: ""
replicas: 1
loggingOverrideLevel: null
# number of seconds between heartbeats, must be smaller than or equal to the master's setting
pulseSeconds: null
# Choose [memory|leveldb|leveldbMedium|leveldbLarge] mode for memory~performance balance., default memory
index: null
# limit file size to avoid out of memory, default 256mb
fileSizeLimitMB: null
# minimum free disk space(in percents). If free disk space lower this value - all volumes marks as ReadOnly
minFreeSpacePercent: 7
# can use ANY storage-class , example with local-path-provisner
# data:
# type: "persistentVolumeClaim"
# size: "24Ti"
# storageClass: "local-path-provisioner"
type: "hostPath"
size: ""
storageClass: ""
type: "hostPath"
size: ""
storageClass: ""
type: "hostPath"
size: ""
storageClass: ""
# limit background compaction or copying speed in mega bytes per second
compactionMBps: "50"
# Directories to store data files. dir[,dir]... (default "/tmp")
dir: "/data"
# Directories to store index files. dir[,dir]... (default is the same as "dir")
dir_idx: null
# Maximum numbers of volumes, count[,count]...
# If set to zero on non-windows OS, the limit will be auto configured. (default "7")
maxVolumes: "0"
# Volume server's rack name
rack: null
# Volume server's data center name
dataCenter: null
# Redirect moved or non-local volumes. (default proxy)
readMode: proxy
# Comma separated Ip addresses having write permission. No limit if empty.
whiteList: null
# Adjust jpg orientation when uploading.
imagesFixOrientation: false
extraVolumes: ""
extraVolumeMounts: ""
# Affinity Settings
# Commenting out or setting as empty the affinity variable, will allow
# deployment to single node services such as Minikube
affinity: |
- labelSelector:
app: {{ template "seaweedfs.name" . }}
release: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
component: volume
topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
# Resource requests, limits, etc. for the server cluster placement. This
# should map directly to the value of the resources field for a PodSpec,
# formatted as a multi-line string. By default no direct resource request
# is made.
resources: null
# Toleration Settings for server pods
# This should be a multi-line string matching the Toleration array
# in a PodSpec.
tolerations: ""
# nodeSelector labels for server pod assignment, formatted as a muli-line string.
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
# Example:
# nodeSelector: |
# beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
nodeSelector: |
sw-volume: "true"
# used to assign priority to server pods
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/
priorityClassName: ""
enabled: true
repository: null
imageName: null
imageTag: null
imageOverride: null
restartPolicy: null
replicas: 1
port: 8888
grpcPort: 18888
metricsPort: 9327
loggingOverrideLevel: null
# replication type is XYZ:
# X number of replica in other data centers
# Y number of replica in other racks in the same data center
# Z number of replica in other servers in the same rack
defaultReplicaPlacement: "000"
# turn off directory listing
disableDirListing: false
# split files larger than the limit, default 32
maxMB: null
# encrypt data on volume servers
encryptVolumeData: false
# Whether proxy or redirect to volume server during file GET request
redirectOnRead: false
# Limit sub dir listing size (default 100000)
dirListLimit: 100000
# Disable http request, only gRpc operations are allowed
disableHttp: false
# storage and storageClass are the settings for configuring stateful
# storage for the master pods. storage should be set to the disk size of
# the attached volume. storageClass is the class of storage which defaults
# to null (the Kube cluster will pick the default).
storage: 25Gi
storageClass: null
extraVolumes: ""
extraVolumeMounts: ""
# Affinity Settings
# Commenting out or setting as empty the affinity variable, will allow
# deployment to single node services such as Minikube
affinity: |
- labelSelector:
app: {{ template "seaweedfs.name" . }}
release: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
component: filer
topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
# updatePartition is used to control a careful rolling update of SeaweedFS
# masters.
updatePartition: 0
# Resource requests, limits, etc. for the server cluster placement. This
# should map directly to the value of the resources field for a PodSpec,
# formatted as a multi-line string. By default no direct resource request
# is made.
resources: null
# Toleration Settings for server pods
# This should be a multi-line string matching the Toleration array
# in a PodSpec.
tolerations: ""
# nodeSelector labels for server pod assignment, formatted as a muli-line string.
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
# Example:
# nodeSelector: |
# beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
nodeSelector: |
sw-backend: "true"
# used to assign priority to server pods
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/
priorityClassName: ""
enabled: false
className: "nginx"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-type: "basic"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-secret: "default/ingress-basic-auth-secret"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-realm: 'Authentication Required - SW-Filer'
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/service-upstream: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$1
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/enable-rewrite-log: "true"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/force-ssl-redirect: "false"
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
sub_filter '<head>' '<head> <base href="/sw-filer/">'; #add base url
sub_filter '="/' '="./'; #make absolute paths to relative
sub_filter '=/' '=./';
sub_filter '/seaweedfsstatic' './seaweedfsstatic';
sub_filter_once off;
# extraEnvVars is a list of extra enviroment variables to set with the stateful set.
WEED_MYSQL_HOSTNAME: "mysql-db-host"
WEED_MYSQL_DATABASE: "sw_database"
# "refresh" connection every 10 minutes, eliminating mysql closing "old" connections
# enable usage of memsql as filer backend
# with http DELETE, by default the filer would check whether a folder is empty.
# recursive_delete will delete all sub folders and files, similar to "rm -Rf"
# directories under this folder will be automatically creating a separate bucket
enabled: true
port: 8333
#allow empty folders
allowEmptyFolder: false
# Suffix of the host name, {bucket}.{domainName}
domainName: ""
# enable user & permission to s3 (need to inject to all services)
enableAuth: false
skipAuthSecretCreation: false
auditLogConfig: {}
enabled: false
repository: null
imageName: null
imageTag: null
restartPolicy: null
replicas: 1
port: 8333
metricsPort: 9327
loggingOverrideLevel: null
#allow empty folders
allowEmptyFolder: true
# enable user & permission to s3 (need to inject to all services)
enableAuth: false
skipAuthSecretCreation: false
auditLogConfig: {}
# Suffix of the host name, {bucket}.{domainName}
domainName: ""
extraVolumes: ""
extraVolumeMounts: ""
# Resource requests, limits, etc. for the server cluster placement. This
# should map directly to the value of the resources field for a PodSpec,
# formatted as a multi-line string. By default no direct resource request
# is made.
resources: null
# Toleration Settings for server pods
# This should be a multi-line string matching the Toleration array
# in a PodSpec.
tolerations: ""
# nodeSelector labels for server pod assignment, formatted as a muli-line string.
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
# Example:
# nodeSelector: |
# beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
nodeSelector: |
sw-backend: "true"
# used to assign priority to server pods
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/
priorityClassName: ""
type: "hostPath"
size: ""
storageClass: ""
commonName: "SeaweedFS CA"
ipAddresses: []
keyAlgorithm: rsa
keySize: 2048
duration: 2160h # 90d
renewBefore: 360h # 15d