chrislu 9f9ef1340c use streaming mode for long poll grpc calls
streaming mode would create separate grpc connections for each call.
this is to ensure the long poll connections are properly closed.
2021-12-26 00:15:03 -08:00

192 lines
5 KiB

package filer
import (
const (
DirectoryEtcRoot = "/etc"
DirectoryEtcSeaweedFS = "/etc/seaweedfs"
DirectoryEtcRemote = "/etc/remote"
FilerConfName = "filer.conf"
IamConfigDirecotry = "/etc/iam"
IamIdentityFile = "identity.json"
IamPoliciesFile = "policies.json"
type FilerConf struct {
rules ptrie.Trie
func ReadFilerConf(filerGrpcAddress pb.ServerAddress, grpcDialOption grpc.DialOption, masterClient *wdclient.MasterClient) (*FilerConf, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := pb.WithGrpcFilerClient(false, filerGrpcAddress, grpcDialOption, func(client filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient) error {
if masterClient != nil {
return ReadEntry(masterClient, client, DirectoryEtcSeaweedFS, FilerConfName, &buf)
} else {
content, err := ReadInsideFiler(client, DirectoryEtcSeaweedFS, FilerConfName)
buf = *bytes.NewBuffer(content)
return err
}); err != nil && err != filer_pb.ErrNotFound {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("read %s/%s: %v", DirectoryEtcSeaweedFS, FilerConfName, err)
fc := NewFilerConf()
if buf.Len() > 0 {
if err := fc.LoadFromBytes(buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parse %s/%s: %v", DirectoryEtcSeaweedFS, FilerConfName, err)
return fc, nil
func NewFilerConf() (fc *FilerConf) {
fc = &FilerConf{
rules: ptrie.New(),
return fc
func (fc *FilerConf) loadFromFiler(filer *Filer) (err error) {
filerConfPath := util.NewFullPath(DirectoryEtcSeaweedFS, FilerConfName)
entry, err := filer.FindEntry(context.Background(), filerConfPath)
if err != nil {
if err == filer_pb.ErrNotFound {
return nil
glog.Errorf("read filer conf entry %s: %v", filerConfPath, err)
if len(entry.Content) > 0 {
return fc.LoadFromBytes(entry.Content)
return fc.loadFromChunks(filer, entry.Content, entry.Chunks)
func (fc *FilerConf) loadFromChunks(filer *Filer, content []byte, chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) (err error) {
if len(content) == 0 {
content, err = filer.readEntry(chunks)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("read filer conf content: %v", err)
return fc.LoadFromBytes(content)
func (fc *FilerConf) LoadFromBytes(data []byte) (err error) {
conf := &filer_pb.FilerConf{}
if err := jsonpb.Unmarshal(bytes.NewReader(data), conf); err != nil {
return err
return fc.doLoadConf(conf)
func (fc *FilerConf) doLoadConf(conf *filer_pb.FilerConf) (err error) {
for _, location := range conf.Locations {
err = fc.AddLocationConf(location)
if err != nil {
// this is not recoverable
return nil
return nil
func (fc *FilerConf) AddLocationConf(locConf *filer_pb.FilerConf_PathConf) (err error) {
err = fc.rules.Put([]byte(locConf.LocationPrefix), locConf)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("put location prefix: %v", err)
func (fc *FilerConf) DeleteLocationConf(locationPrefix string) {
rules := ptrie.New()
fc.rules.Walk(func(key []byte, value interface{}) bool {
if string(key) == locationPrefix {
return true
rules.Put(key, value)
return true
fc.rules = rules
func (fc *FilerConf) MatchStorageRule(path string) (pathConf *filer_pb.FilerConf_PathConf) {
pathConf = &filer_pb.FilerConf_PathConf{}
fc.rules.MatchPrefix([]byte(path), func(key []byte, value interface{}) bool {
t := value.(*filer_pb.FilerConf_PathConf)
mergePathConf(pathConf, t)
return true
return pathConf
func (fc *FilerConf) GetCollectionTtls(collection string) (ttls map[string]string) {
ttls = make(map[string]string)
fc.rules.Walk(func(key []byte, value interface{}) bool {
t := value.(*filer_pb.FilerConf_PathConf)
if t.Collection == collection {
ttls[t.LocationPrefix] = t.GetTtl()
return true
return ttls
// merge if values in b is not empty, merge them into a
func mergePathConf(a, b *filer_pb.FilerConf_PathConf) {
a.Collection = util.Nvl(b.Collection, a.Collection)
a.Replication = util.Nvl(b.Replication, a.Replication)
a.Ttl = util.Nvl(b.Ttl, a.Ttl)
a.DiskType = util.Nvl(b.DiskType, a.DiskType)
a.Fsync = b.Fsync || a.Fsync
if b.VolumeGrowthCount > 0 {
a.VolumeGrowthCount = b.VolumeGrowthCount
a.ReadOnly = b.ReadOnly || a.ReadOnly
a.DataCenter = util.Nvl(b.DataCenter, a.DataCenter)
a.Rack = util.Nvl(b.Rack, a.Rack)
a.DataNode = util.Nvl(b.DataNode, a.DataNode)
func (fc *FilerConf) ToProto() *filer_pb.FilerConf {
m := &filer_pb.FilerConf{}
fc.rules.Walk(func(key []byte, value interface{}) bool {
pathConf := value.(*filer_pb.FilerConf_PathConf)
m.Locations = append(m.Locations, pathConf)
return true
return m
func (fc *FilerConf) ToText(writer io.Writer) error {
m := jsonpb.Marshaler{
EmitDefaults: false,
Indent: " ",
return m.Marshal(writer, fc.ToProto())