Chris Lu 0059f4a201 trying
seems something wrong with the timing
2021-03-13 14:14:30 -08:00

517 lines
10 KiB

package udptransfer
import (
const (
_10ms = time.Millisecond * 10
_100ms = time.Millisecond * 100
const (
_FIN_ACK_SEQ uint32 = 0xffFF0000
_INVALID_SEQ uint32 = 0xffFFffFF
var (
ErrIOTimeout error = &TimeoutError{}
ErrUnknown = errors.New("Unknown error")
ErrInexplicableData = errors.New("Inexplicable data")
ErrTooManyAttempts = errors.New("Too many attempts to connect")
type TimeoutError struct{}
func (e *TimeoutError) Error() string { return "i/o timeout" }
func (e *TimeoutError) Timeout() bool { return true }
func (e *TimeoutError) Temporary() bool { return true }
type Conn struct {
sock *net.UDPConn
dest *net.UDPAddr
edp *Endpoint
connID connID // 8 bytes
// events
evRecv chan []byte
evRead chan byte
evSend chan byte
evSWnd chan byte
evAck chan byte
evClose chan byte
// protocol state
inlock sync.Mutex
outlock sync.Mutex
state int32
mySeq uint32
swnd int32
cwnd int32
missed int32
outPending int32
lastAck uint32
lastAckTime int64
lastAckTime2 int64
lastShrink int64
lastRstMis int64
ato int64
rto int64
rtt int64
srtt int64
mdev int64
rtmo int64
wtmo int64
tSlot int64
tSlotT0 int64
lastSErr int64
// queue
outQ *linkedMap
inQ *linkedMap
inQReady []byte
inQDirty bool
lastReadSeq uint32 // last user read seq
// params
bandwidth int64
fastRetransmit bool
flatTraffic bool
mss int
// statistics
urgent int
inPkCnt int
inDupCnt int
outPkCnt int
outDupCnt int
fRCnt int
func NewConn(e *Endpoint, dest *net.UDPAddr, id connID) *Conn {
c := &Conn{
sock: e.udpconn,
dest: dest,
edp: e,
connID: id,
evRecv: make(chan []byte, 128),
evRead: make(chan byte, 1),
evSWnd: make(chan byte, 2),
evSend: make(chan byte, 4),
evAck: make(chan byte, 1),
evClose: make(chan byte, 2),
outQ: newLinkedMap(_QModeOut),
inQ: newLinkedMap(_QModeIn),
p := e.params
c.bandwidth = p.Bandwidth
c.fastRetransmit = p.FastRetransmit
c.flatTraffic = p.FlatTraffic
c.mss = _MSS
if dest.IP.To4() == nil {
// typical ipv6 header length=40
c.mss -= 20
return c
func (c *Conn) initConnection(buf []byte) (err error) {
if buf == nil {
err = c.initDialing()
} else { //server
err = c.acceptConnection(buf[_TH_SIZE:])
if err != nil {
if c.state == _S_EST1 {
c.lastReadSeq = c.lastAck
c.inQ.maxCtnSeq = c.lastAck
c.rtt = maxI64(c.rtt, _MIN_RTT)
c.mdev = c.rtt << 1
c.srtt = c.rtt << 3
c.rto = maxI64(c.rtt*2, _MIN_RTO)
c.ato = maxI64(c.rtt>>4, _MIN_ATO)
c.ato = minI64(c.ato, _MAX_ATO)
// initial cwnd
c.swnd = calSwnd(c.bandwidth, c.rtt) >> 1
c.cwnd = 8
go c.internalRecvLoop()
go c.internalSendLoop()
go c.internalAckLoop()
if debug >= 0 {
go c.internal_state()
return nil
} else {
return ErrUnknown
func (c *Conn) initDialing() error {
// first syn
pk := &packet{
seq: c.mySeq,
flag: _F_SYN,
item := nodeOf(pk)
var buf []byte
c.state = _S_SYN0
t0 := Now()
for i := 0; i < _MAX_RETRIES && c.state == _S_SYN0; i++ {
// send syn
select {
case buf = <-c.evRecv:
c.rtt = Now() - t0
c.state = _S_SYN1
buf = buf[_TH_SIZE:]
case <-time.After(time.Second):
if c.state == _S_SYN0 {
return ErrTooManyAttempts
unmarshall(pk, buf)
// expected syn+ack
if pk.flag == _F_SYN|_F_ACK && pk.ack == c.mySeq {
if scnt := pk.scnt - 1; scnt > 0 {
c.rtt -= int64(scnt) * 1e3
log.Println("rtt", c.rtt)
c.state = _S_EST0
// build ack3
pk.scnt = 0
pk.ack = pk.seq
pk.flag = _F_ACK
item := nodeOf(pk)
// send ack3
// update lastAck
c.state = _S_EST1
return nil
} else {
return ErrInexplicableData
func (c *Conn) acceptConnection(buf []byte) error {
var pk = new(packet)
var item *qNode
unmarshall(pk, buf)
// expected syn
if pk.flag == _F_SYN {
c.state = _S_SYN1
// build syn+ack
pk.ack = pk.seq
pk.seq = c.mySeq
pk.flag |= _F_ACK
// update lastAck
item = nodeOf(pk)
item.scnt = pk.scnt - 1
} else {
dumpb("Syn1 ?", buf)
return ErrInexplicableData
for i := 0; i < 5 && c.state == _S_SYN1; i++ {
t0 := Now()
// reply syn+ack
// recv ack3
select {
case buf = <-c.evRecv:
c.state = _S_EST0
c.rtt = Now() - t0
buf = buf[_TH_SIZE:]
log.Println("rtt", c.rtt)
case <-time.After(time.Second):
if c.state == _S_SYN1 {
return ErrTooManyAttempts
pk = new(packet)
unmarshall(pk, buf)
// expected ack3
if pk.flag == _F_ACK && pk.ack == c.mySeq {
c.state = _S_EST1
} else {
// if ack3 lost, resend syn+ack 3-times
// and drop these coming data
if pk.flag&_F_DATA != 0 && pk.seq > c.lastAck {
c.state = _S_EST1
} else {
dumpb("Ack3 ?", buf)
return ErrInexplicableData
return nil
// 20,20,20,20, 100,100,100,100, 1s,1s,1s,1s
func selfSpinWait(fn func() bool) error {
const _MAX_SPIN = 12
for i := 0; i < _MAX_SPIN; i++ {
if fn() {
return nil
} else if i <= 3 {
time.Sleep(_10ms * 2)
} else if i <= 7 {
} else {
return ErrIOTimeout
func (c *Conn) IsClosed() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&c.state) <= _S_FIN1
active close:
1 <- send fin-W: closeW()
before sending, ensure all outQ items has beed sent out and all of them has been acked.
2 -> wait to recv ack{fin-W}
then trigger closeR, including send fin-R and wait to recv ack{fin-R}
passive close:
-> fin:
if outQ is not empty then self-spin wait.
if outQ empty, send ack{fin-W} then goto closeW().
func (c *Conn) Close() (err error) {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&c.state, _S_EST1, _S_FIN0) {
return selfSpinWait(func() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&c.state) == _S_FIN
var err0 error
err0 = c.closeW()
// waiting for fin-2 of peer
err = selfSpinWait(func() bool {
select {
case v := <-c.evClose:
if v == _S_FIN {
return true
} else {
time.AfterFunc(_100ms, func() { c.evClose <- v })
return false
defer c.afterShutdown()
if err != nil {
// backup path for wait ack(finW) timeout
if err0 != nil {
return err0
} else {
func (c *Conn) beforeCloseW() (err error) {
// check outQ was empty and all has been acked.
// self-spin waiting
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
err = selfSpinWait(func() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&c.outPending) <= 0
if err == nil {
// send fin, reliably
pk := &packet{seq: c.mySeq, flag: _F_FIN}
item := nodeOf(pk)
func (c *Conn) closeW() (err error) {
// close resource of sending
defer c.afterCloseW()
// send fin
err = c.beforeCloseW()
var closed bool
var max = 20
if c.rtt > 200 {
max = int(c.rtt) / 10
// waiting for outQ means:
// 1. all outQ has been acked, for passive
// 2. fin has been acked, for active
for i := 0; i < max && (atomic.LoadInt32(&c.outPending) > 0 || !closed); i++ {
select {
case v := <-c.evClose:
if v == _S_FIN0 {
// namely, last fin has been acked.
closed = true
} else {
time.AfterFunc(_100ms, func() { c.evClose <- v })
case <-time.After(_100ms):
if closed || err != nil {
} else {
return ErrIOTimeout
func (c *Conn) afterCloseW() {
// can't close(c.evRecv), avoid endpoint dispatch exception
// stop pending inputAndSend
select {
case c.evSend <- _CLOSE:
// stop internalSendLoop
c.evSWnd <- _CLOSE
// called by active and passive close()
func (c *Conn) afterShutdown() {
// stop internalRecvLoop
c.evRecv <- nil
// remove registry
c.edp.removeConn(c.connID, c.dest)
log.Println("shutdown", c.state)
// trigger by reset
func (c *Conn) forceShutdownWithLock() {
defer c.outlock.Unlock()
// called by:
// 1/ send exception
// 2/ recv reset
// drop outQ and force shutdown
func (c *Conn) forceShutdown() {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&c.state, _S_EST1, _S_FIN) {
defer c.afterShutdown()
// stop sender
for i := 0; i < cap(c.evSend); i++ {
select {
case <-c.evSend:
select {
case c.evSend <- _CLOSE:
// stop reader
// stop internalLoops
c.evSWnd <- _CLOSE
c.evAck <- _CLOSE
//log.Println("force shutdown")
// for sending fin failed
func (c *Conn) fakeShutdown() {
select {
case c.evClose <- _S_FIN0:
func (c *Conn) closeR(pk *packet) {
var passive = true
for {
state := atomic.LoadInt32(&c.state)
switch state {
case _S_FIN:
case _S_FIN1: // multiple FIN, maybe lost
c.passiveCloseReply(pk, false)
case _S_FIN0: // active close preformed
passive = false
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&c.state, state, _S_FIN1) {
c.passiveCloseReply(pk, true)
// here, R is closed.
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
if passive {
// passive closing call closeW contains sending fin and recv ack
// may the ack of fin-2 was lost, then the closeW will timeout
// here, R,W both were closed.
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
atomic.StoreInt32(&c.state, _S_FIN)
// stop internalAckLoop
c.evAck <- _CLOSE
if passive {
// close evRecv within here
} else {
// notify active close thread
select {
case c.evClose <- _S_FIN:
func (c *Conn) passiveCloseReply(pk *packet, first bool) {
if pk != nil && pk.flag&_F_FIN != 0 {
if first {
// ack the FIN
pk = &packet{seq: _FIN_ACK_SEQ, ack: pk.seq, flag: _F_ACK}
item := nodeOf(pk)
// check inQ ends orderly, and copy queue data to user space
func (c *Conn) checkInQ(pk *packet) {
if nil != selfSpinWait(func() bool {
return c.inQ.maxCtnSeq+1 == pk.seq
}) { // timeout for waiting inQ to finish
defer c.inlock.Unlock()
if c.inQ.size() > 0 {
for i := c.inQ.head; i != nil; i = {
c.inQReady = append(c.inQReady, i.payload...)