package s3 import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "io" "reflect" ) func init() { remote_storage.RemoteStorageClientMakers["s3"] = new(s3RemoteStorageMaker) } type s3RemoteStorageMaker struct{} func (s s3RemoteStorageMaker) Make(conf *remote_pb.RemoteConf) (remote_storage.RemoteStorageClient, error) { client := &s3RemoteStorageClient{ conf: conf, } config := &aws.Config{ Region: aws.String(conf.S3Region), Endpoint: aws.String(conf.S3Endpoint), S3ForcePathStyle: aws.Bool(conf.S3ForcePathStyle), S3DisableContentMD5Validation: aws.Bool(true), } if conf.S3AccessKey != "" && conf.S3SecretKey != "" { config.Credentials = credentials.NewStaticCredentials(conf.S3AccessKey, conf.S3SecretKey, "") } sess, err := session.NewSession(config) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("create aws session: %v", err) } sess.Handlers.Build.PushFront(skipSha256PayloadSigning) client.conn = s3.New(sess) return client, nil } type s3RemoteStorageClient struct { conf *remote_pb.RemoteConf conn s3iface.S3API } var _ = remote_storage.RemoteStorageClient(&s3RemoteStorageClient{}) func (s *s3RemoteStorageClient) Traverse(remote *remote_pb.RemoteStorageLocation, visitFn remote_storage.VisitFunc) (err error) { pathKey := remote.Path[1:] listInput := &s3.ListObjectsV2Input{ Bucket: aws.String(remote.Bucket), ContinuationToken: nil, Delimiter: nil, // not aws.String("/"), iterate through all entries EncodingType: nil, ExpectedBucketOwner: nil, FetchOwner: nil, MaxKeys: nil, // aws.Int64(1000), Prefix: aws.String(pathKey), RequestPayer: nil, StartAfter: nil, } isLastPage := false for !isLastPage && err == nil { listErr := s.conn.ListObjectsV2Pages(listInput, func(page *s3.ListObjectsV2Output, lastPage bool) bool { for _, content := range page.Contents { key := *content.Key key = "/" + key dir, name := util.FullPath(key).DirAndName() if err := visitFn(dir, name, false, &filer_pb.RemoteEntry{ RemoteMtime: (*content.LastModified).Unix(), RemoteSize: *content.Size, RemoteETag: *content.ETag, StorageName: s.conf.Name, }); err != nil { return false } } listInput.ContinuationToken = page.NextContinuationToken isLastPage = lastPage return true }) if listErr != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("list %v: %v", remote, listErr) } } return } func (s *s3RemoteStorageClient) ReadFile(loc *remote_pb.RemoteStorageLocation, offset int64, size int64) (data []byte, err error) { downloader := s3manager.NewDownloaderWithClient(s.conn, func(u *s3manager.Downloader) { u.PartSize = int64(4 * 1024 * 1024) u.Concurrency = 1 }) dataSlice := make([]byte, int(size)) writerAt := aws.NewWriteAtBuffer(dataSlice) _, err = downloader.Download(writerAt, &s3.GetObjectInput{ Bucket: aws.String(loc.Bucket), Key: aws.String(loc.Path[1:]), Range: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", offset, offset+size-1)), }) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to download file %s%s: %v", loc.Bucket, loc.Path, err) } return writerAt.Bytes(), nil } func (s *s3RemoteStorageClient) WriteDirectory(loc *remote_pb.RemoteStorageLocation, entry *filer_pb.Entry) (err error) { return nil } func (s *s3RemoteStorageClient) WriteFile(loc *remote_pb.RemoteStorageLocation, entry *filer_pb.Entry, reader io.Reader) (remoteEntry *filer_pb.RemoteEntry, err error) { fileSize := int64(filer.FileSize(entry)) partSize := int64(8 * 1024 * 1024) // The minimum/default allowed part size is 5MB for partSize*1000 < fileSize { partSize *= 4 } // Create an uploader with the session and custom options uploader := s3manager.NewUploaderWithClient(s.conn, func(u *s3manager.Uploader) { u.PartSize = partSize u.Concurrency = 1 }) // process tagging tags := "" for k, v := range entry.Extended { if len(tags) > 0 { tags = tags + "&" } tags = tags + k + "=" + string(v) } // Upload the file to S3. _, err = uploader.Upload(&s3manager.UploadInput{ Bucket: aws.String(loc.Bucket), Key: aws.String(loc.Path[1:]), Body: reader, Tagging: aws.String(tags), StorageClass: aws.String(s.conf.S3StorageClass), }) //in case it fails to upload if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("upload to %s/%s%s: %v", loc.Name, loc.Bucket, loc.Path, err) } // read back the remote entry return s.readFileRemoteEntry(loc) } func toTagging(attributes map[string][]byte) *s3.Tagging { tagging := &s3.Tagging{} for k, v := range attributes { tagging.TagSet = append(tagging.TagSet, &s3.Tag{ Key: aws.String(k), Value: aws.String(string(v)), }) } return tagging } func (s *s3RemoteStorageClient) readFileRemoteEntry(loc *remote_pb.RemoteStorageLocation) (*filer_pb.RemoteEntry, error) { resp, err := s.conn.HeadObject(&s3.HeadObjectInput{ Bucket: aws.String(loc.Bucket), Key: aws.String(loc.Path[1:]), }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &filer_pb.RemoteEntry{ RemoteMtime: resp.LastModified.Unix(), RemoteSize: *resp.ContentLength, RemoteETag: *resp.ETag, StorageName: s.conf.Name, }, nil } func (s *s3RemoteStorageClient) UpdateFileMetadata(loc *remote_pb.RemoteStorageLocation, oldEntry *filer_pb.Entry, newEntry *filer_pb.Entry) (err error) { if reflect.DeepEqual(oldEntry.Extended, newEntry.Extended) { return nil } tagging := toTagging(newEntry.Extended) if len(tagging.TagSet) > 0 { _, err = s.conn.PutObjectTagging(&s3.PutObjectTaggingInput{ Bucket: aws.String(loc.Bucket), Key: aws.String(loc.Path[1:]), Tagging: toTagging(newEntry.Extended), }) } else { _, err = s.conn.DeleteObjectTagging(&s3.DeleteObjectTaggingInput{ Bucket: aws.String(loc.Bucket), Key: aws.String(loc.Path[1:]), }) } return } func (s *s3RemoteStorageClient) DeleteFile(loc *remote_pb.RemoteStorageLocation) (err error) { _, err = s.conn.DeleteObject(&s3.DeleteObjectInput{ Bucket: aws.String(loc.Bucket), Key: aws.String(loc.Path[1:]), }) return }