package main import ( "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "os" "strings" "sync" "math/rand" "text/template" "time" "unicode" "unicode/utf8" ) var IsDebug *bool var server *string var port *int var commands = []*Command{ cmdFix, cmdMaster, cmdUpload, cmdShell, cmdVersion, cmdVolume, } var exitStatus = 0 var exitMu sync.Mutex func setExitStatus(n int) { exitMu.Lock() if exitStatus < n { exitStatus = n } exitMu.Unlock() } func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) flag.Usage = usage flag.Parse() args := flag.Args() if len(args) < 1 { usage() } if args[0] == "help" { help(args[1:]) for _, cmd := range commands { if cmd.Name() == args[1] && cmd.Run != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Default Parameters:\n") cmd.Flag.PrintDefaults() } } return } for _, cmd := range commands { if cmd.Name() == args[0] && cmd.Run != nil { cmd.Flag.Usage = func() { cmd.Usage() } cmd.Flag.Parse(args[1:]) args = cmd.Flag.Args() if !cmd.Run(cmd, args) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n") cmd.Flag.Usage() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Default Parameters:\n") cmd.Flag.PrintDefaults() } exit() return } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "weed: unknown subcommand %q\nRun 'weed help' for usage.\n", args[0]) setExitStatus(2) exit() } var usageTemplate = `WeedFS is a software to store billions of files and serve them fast! Usage: weed command [arguments] The commands are: {{range .}}{{if .Runnable}} {{.Name | printf "%-11s"}} {{.Short}}{{end}}{{end}} Use "weed help [command]" for more information about a command. Additional help topics: {{range .}}{{if not .Runnable}} {{.Name | printf "%-11s"}} {{.Short}}{{end}}{{end}} Use "weed help [topic]" for more information about that topic. ` var helpTemplate = `{{if .Runnable}}Usage: weed {{.UsageLine}} {{end}} {{.Long}} ` // tmpl executes the given template text on data, writing the result to w. func tmpl(w io.Writer, text string, data interface{}) { t := template.New("top") t.Funcs(template.FuncMap{"trim": strings.TrimSpace, "capitalize": capitalize}) template.Must(t.Parse(text)) if err := t.Execute(w, data); err != nil { panic(err) } } func capitalize(s string) string { if s == "" { return s } r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s) return string(unicode.ToTitle(r)) + s[n:] } func printUsage(w io.Writer) { tmpl(w, usageTemplate, commands) } func usage() { printUsage(os.Stderr) os.Exit(2) } // help implements the 'help' command. func help(args []string) { if len(args) == 0 { printUsage(os.Stdout) // not exit 2: succeeded at 'weed help'. return } if len(args) != 1 { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: weed help command\n\nToo many arguments given.\n") os.Exit(2) // failed at 'weed help' } arg := args[0] for _, cmd := range commands { if cmd.Name() == arg { tmpl(os.Stdout, helpTemplate, cmd) // not exit 2: succeeded at 'weed help cmd'. return } } fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unknown help topic %#q. Run 'weed help'.\n", arg) os.Exit(2) // failed at 'weed help cmd' } var atexitFuncs []func() func atexit(f func()) { atexitFuncs = append(atexitFuncs, f) } func exit() { for _, f := range atexitFuncs { f() } os.Exit(exitStatus) } func exitIfErrors() { if exitStatus != 0 { exit() } } func writeJson(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, obj interface{}) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript") bytes, _ := json.Marshal(obj) callback := r.FormValue("callback") if callback == "" { w.Write(bytes) } else { w.Write([]uint8(callback)) w.Write([]uint8("(")) fmt.Fprint(w, string(bytes)) w.Write([]uint8(")")) } }