#!/usr/bin/env bash CONTAINER_NAME=${CONTAINER_NAME:-s3test-instance} CONF_FILE=${CONF_FILE:-s3tests.conf} WEED_BIN=${WEED_BIN:-../../../weed/weed} TEST_RAW_OUTPUT_FILE=${TEST_RAW_OUTPUT_FILE:-compat.raw.txt} TEST_PROCESSED_OUTPUT_FILE=${TEST_PROCESSED_OUTPUT_FILE:-compat.summary.txt} # Set up debugging for this bash script if DEBUG is set if [ -n "${DEBUG}" ]; then echo -e "DEBUG set [${DEBUG}], enabling debugging output..."; set -ex fi # Reset from possible previous test run killall -9 weed || echo "already stopped" rm -Rf tmp mkdir tmp docker stop $CONTAINER_NAME || echo "already stopped" # Ensure ulimit is set to reasonable value ulimit -n 10000 # Start weed w/ filer + s3 in the background $WEED_BIN server \ -filer \ -s3 \ -volume.max 0 \ -master.volumeSizeLimitMB 5 \ -dir "$(pwd)/tmp" \ 1>&2>weed.log & # Wait for master to start up echo -e "\n[info] waiting for master @ 9333..."; until curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail; do printf '.'; sleep 5; done sleep 3; # Wait for s3 to start up echo -e "\n[info] waiting for S3 @ 8333..."; until curl --output /dev/null --silent --fail; do printf '.'; sleep 5; done sleep 3; # Determine whether docker net DOCKER_NET_HOST_ARGS="" if [ -n "${DOCKER_NET_HOST}" ]; then DOCKER_NET_HOST_ARGS="--net=host" echo -e "\n[info] setting docker to het nost" fi echo -e "\n[warn] You may have to run with UNFILTERED=y to disable output filtering, if you get the broken pipe error"; echo -e "\n[info] running tests with unfiltered output..."; docker run \ --name $CONTAINER_NAME \ --rm \ ${DOCKER_NET_HOST_ARGS} \ -e S3TEST_CONF=$CONF_FILE \ -v "$(pwd)"/$CONF_FILE:/s3-tests/s3tests.conf \ -it \ s3tests \ ./virtualenv/bin/nosetests \ s3tests_boto3/functional/test_s3.py \ -v \ -a 'resource=object,!bucket-policy,!versioning,!encryption' \ | tee ${TEST_RAW_OUTPUT_FILE} # If the summary logs are present, process them if [ -f "${TEST_RAW_OUTPUT_FILE}" ]; then cat ${TEST_RAW_OUTPUT_FILE} | sed -n -e '/botocore.hooks/!p;//q' | tee ${TEST_PROCESSED_OUTPUT_FILE} echo -e "\n[info] ✅ Successfully wrote processed output @ [${TEST_PROCESSED_OUTPUT_FILE}]"; if [ -z "${TEST_KEEP_RAW_OUTPUT}" ]; then echo -e "\n[info] removing test raw output file @ [${TEST_RAW_OUTPUT_FILE}] (to disable this, set TEST_KEEP_RAW_OUTPUT=y)..."; rm -rf ${TEST_RAW_OUTPUT_FILE}; fi else echo -e "\n[warn] failed to find raw output @ [${TEST_RAW_OUTPUT_FILE}]"; fi echo -e "\n[info] stopping [${CONTAINER_NAME}] container..."; docker stop $CONTAINER_NAME || echo "[info] already stopped"; echo -e "\n[info] stopping seaweedfs processes (all, via kill -9)..."; killall -9 weed;