API =================================== Master server ################################### You can append to any HTTP API with &pretty=y to see a formatted json output. Assign a file key *********************************** .. code-block:: bash # Basic Usage: curl http://localhost:9333/dir/assign {"count":1,"fid":"3,01637037d6","url":"", "publicUrl":"localhost:8080"} # To assign with a specific replication type: curl "http://localhost:9333/dir/assign?replication=001" # To specify how many file ids to reserve curl "http://localhost:9333/dir/assign?count=5" # To assign a specific data center curl "http://localhost:9333/dir/assign?dataCenter=dc1" Lookup volume *********************************** We would need to find out whether the volumes have moved. .. code-block:: bash curl "http://localhost:9333/dir/lookup?volumeId=3&pretty=y" { "locations": [ { "publicUrl": "localhost:8080", "url": "localhost:8080" } ] } # Other usages: # You can actually use the file id to lookup curl "http://localhost:9333/dir/lookup?volumeId=3,01637037d6" # If you know the collection, specify it since it will be a little faster curl "http://localhost:9333/dir/lookup?volumeId=3&collection=turbo" Force garbage collection *********************************** If your system has many deletions, the deleted file's disk space will not be synchronously re-claimed. There is a background job to check volume disk usage. If empty space is more than the threshold, default to 0.3, the vacuum job will make the volume readonly, create a new volume with only existing files, and switch on the new volume. If you are impatient or doing some testing, vacuum the unused spaces this way. .. code-block:: bash curl "http://localhost:9333/vol/vacuum" curl "http://localhost:9333/vol/vacuum?garbageThreshold=0.4" The garbageThreshold=0.4 is optional, and will not change the default threshold. You can start volume master with a different default garbageThreshold. Pre-Allocate Volumes *********************************** One volume servers one write a time. If you need to increase concurrency, you can pre-allocate lots of volumes. .. code-block:: bash curl "http://localhost:9333/vol/grow?replication=000&count=4" {"count":4} # specify a collection curl "http://localhost:9333/vol/grow?collection=turbo&count=4" # specify data center curl "http://localhost:9333/vol/grow?dataCenter=dc1&count=4" This generates 4 empty volumes. Check System Status *********************************** .. code-block:: bash curl "" { "IsLeader": true, "Leader": "", "Peers": [ "", "" ] } curl "http://localhost:9333/dir/status?pretty=y" { "Topology": { "DataCenters": [ { "Free": 3, "Id": "dc1", "Max": 7, "Racks": [ { "DataNodes": [ { "Free": 3, "Max": 7, "PublicUrl": "localhost:8080", "Url": "localhost:8080", "Volumes": 4 } ], "Free": 3, "Id": "DefaultRack", "Max": 7 } ] }, { "Free": 21, "Id": "dc3", "Max": 21, "Racks": [ { "DataNodes": [ { "Free": 7, "Max": 7, "PublicUrl": "localhost:8081", "Url": "localhost:8081", "Volumes": 0 } ], "Free": 7, "Id": "rack1", "Max": 7 }, { "DataNodes": [ { "Free": 7, "Max": 7, "PublicUrl": "localhost:8082", "Url": "localhost:8082", "Volumes": 0 }, { "Free": 7, "Max": 7, "PublicUrl": "localhost:8083", "Url": "localhost:8083", "Volumes": 0 } ], "Free": 14, "Id": "DefaultRack", "Max": 14 } ] } ], "Free": 24, "Max": 28, "layouts": [ { "collection": "", "replication": "000", "writables": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] } ] }, "Version": "0.47" } Volume Server ################################### Upload File *********************************** .. code-block:: bash curl -F file=@/home/chris/myphoto.jpg,01637037d6 {"size": 43234} The size returned is the size stored on Seaweed-FS, sometimes the file is automatically gzipped based on the mime type. Upload File Directly *********************************** .. code-block:: bash curl -F file=@/home/chris/myphoto.jpg http://localhost:9333/submit {"fid":"3,01fbe0dc6f1f38","fileName":"myphoto.jpg","fileUrl":"localhost:8080/3,01fbe0dc6f1f38","size":68231} This API is just for convenience. The master server would get an file id and store the file to the right volume server. It is a convenient API and does not support different parameters when assigning file id. (or you can add the support and send a push request.) Delete File *********************************** .. code-block:: bash curl -X DELETE,01637037d6 Create а specific volume on a specific volume server ***************************************************** .. code-block:: bash curl "http://localhost:8080/admin/assign_volume?replication=000&volume=3" This generates volume 3 on this volume server. If you use other replicationType, e.g. 001, you would need to do the same on other volume servers to create the mirroring volumes. Check Volume Server Status *********************************** .. code-block:: bash curl "http://localhost:8080/status?pretty=y" { "Version": "0.34", "Volumes": [ { "Id": 1, "Size": 1319688, "RepType": "000", "Version": 2, "FileCount": 276, "DeleteCount": 0, "DeletedByteCount": 0, "ReadOnly": false }, { "Id": 2, "Size": 1040962, "RepType": "000", "Version": 2, "FileCount": 291, "DeleteCount": 0, "DeletedByteCount": 0, "ReadOnly": false }, { "Id": 3, "Size": 1486334, "RepType": "000", "Version": 2, "FileCount": 301, "DeleteCount": 2, "DeletedByteCount": 0, "ReadOnly": false }, { "Id": 4, "Size": 8953592, "RepType": "000", "Version": 2, "FileCount": 320, "DeleteCount": 2, "DeletedByteCount": 0, "ReadOnly": false }, { "Id": 5, "Size": 70815851, "RepType": "000", "Version": 2, "FileCount": 309, "DeleteCount": 1, "DeletedByteCount": 0, "ReadOnly": false }, { "Id": 6, "Size": 1483131, "RepType": "000", "Version": 2, "FileCount": 301, "DeleteCount": 1, "DeletedByteCount": 0, "ReadOnly": false }, { "Id": 7, "Size": 46797832, "RepType": "000", "Version": 2, "FileCount": 292, "DeleteCount": 0, "DeletedByteCount": 0, "ReadOnly": false } ] }