Run two servers with volumes and fillers:
server -dir=Server1alpha -master.port=11000 -filer -filer.port=11001 -volume.port=11002
server -dir=Server1sigma -master.port=11006 -filer -filer.port=11007 -volume.port=11008
Run Active-Passive filler.sync:
filer.sync -a localhost:11007 -b localhost:11001 -isActivePassive
Upload file to 11007 port:
curl -F file=@/Desktop/9.xml "http://localhost:11007/testFacebook/"
If we request a file on two servers now, everything will be correct, even if we add data to the file and upload it again:
curl "http://localhost:11007/testFacebook/9.xml"
curl "http://localhost:11001/testFacebook/9.xml"
However, if we change the already existing data in the file (for example, we change the first line in the file, reducing its length), then this file on the second server will not be valid and will not be equivalent to the first file
Снимок экрана 2022-02-07 в 14 21 11
This problem occurs on line 202 in the filer_sink.go file. In particular, this is due to incorrect mapping of chunk names in the DoMinusChunks function. The names of deletedChunks do not match the chunks of existingEntry.Chunks, since the first chunks come from another server and have a different addressing (name) compared to the addressing on the server where the file is being overwritten.
Deleted chunks are not actually deleted on the server to which the file is replicated.
Otherwise current calls for some methods (i.e. GetObjectAcl) ends up with wrong method selection (i.e. GetObject).
Added generic comment rule of traversing methods
ubuntu@prod-master-1:~$ aws --endpoint s3api abort-multipart-upload --bucket prod-cache --key multipart-test --upload-id 5347f936-6adc-43de-8e5c-1fd137c3b2bc
ubuntu@prod-master-1:~$ aws --endpoint s3api list-parts --bucket prod-cache --key multipart-test --upload-id 5347f936-6adc-43de-8e5c-1fd137c3b2bc
"Initiator": null,
"Owner": null,
"StorageClass": "STANDARD"
If we abort a multipart upload, it appears that records are left behind. We should get a 404 NoSuchKey error.
Otherwise any requests to the underlying handlers results in calls to
ListObjects (v1) that may intensively load gateway and volume servers.
Added the following handlers with default responses:
- GetBucketLocation
- GetBucketRequestPayment
Added the following handlers with NotFound and NotImplemented responses:
- PutBucketAcl
- GetBucketPolicy
- PutBucketPolicy
- DeleteBucketPolicy
- GetBucketCors
- PutBucketCors
- DeleteBucketCors
revert 0c75f15062
Hi, about commit: 0c75f15062
POSIX: should not delete if a directory is not empty
It should still delete with a command like rm -rf "${path}"/ because it is a forced delete, but now it gets fail to delete non-empty folder: [...]
Can you enable the delete if it is forced?