mirror of
synced 2024-01-19 02:48:24 +00:00
1049 lines
24 KiB
1049 lines
24 KiB
package penet
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
mrand "math/rand"
type DataSend struct {
Seq uint32
Acked bool
Resend byte
Fast bool
Code byte
Time uint32
Data []byte
type DataRecv struct {
Seq uint32
AckCnt byte
Code byte
Data []byte
type UdpSend struct {
Id uint64
sock *net.UDPConn
remote *net.UDPAddr
seq uint32
rtt float64
rttMax float64
rttMin float64
rate uint32
mss uint32
interval uint32
data []DataSend
dataBegin int
dataLen int
sendRnd int
sendList *list.List
sendListLock sync.Mutex
writable chan bool
writeMax int
isClose bool
closing bool
opening byte
conn *Conn
resendCnt int
name string
acked uint32
recvWnd uint32
const (
TypeData uint8 = 1
TypeAck uint8 = 2
TypeClose uint8 = 3
TypeSYN uint8 = 8
var (
ErrClose = errors.New("conn close")
ErrTimeout = errors.New("conn timeout")
mss uint32 = 1200
defaultRate = mss * 3000
dropRate = 0.0
writeMaxSep = 5
resendLimit = true
func NewUdpSend(conn *Conn, id uint64, sock *net.UDPConn, remote *net.UDPAddr, name string) *UdpSend {
u := &UdpSend{
conn: conn,
Id: id,
sock: sock,
remote: remote,
mss: mss,
interval: 20,
data: make([]DataSend, 4),
seq: 1,
rate: defaultRate, // 修复bug: 太高导致压测的时候内存爆炸,速度慢
rtt: 200,
rttMax: 200,
rttMin: 200,
sendList: list.New(),
writable: make(chan bool, 1),
name: name,
u.writeMax = int(u.rate/u.mss) / writeMaxSep // fixed bug: 初始化 修复bug: 写入太多,应该一点点写
u.recvWnd = uint32(u.writeMax)
return u
func (u *UdpSend) send(nowTime time.Time, buf []byte) {
var sendMax = int(u.rate / u.mss)
u.writeMax = sendMax / writeMaxSep
// glog.V(4).Info("send", u.dataLen, u.name, sendMax, uint32(u.rtt))
var sendCount = uint32(u.rate / u.mss / (1000 / u.interval))
var sendTotal = sendCount
if sendCount > u.recvWnd/5 {
sendCount = u.recvWnd / 5
if sendCount <= 0 {
sendCount = 1
now := uint32(nowTime.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond))
resendCnt := 0
for i := 0; i < u.dataLen; i++ {
if sendCount <= 0 {
index := (i + u.dataBegin) % len(u.data)
d := &u.data[index]
if d.Acked == false && now-d.Time >= uint32(u.rtt*2.0) {
glog.V(4).Infof("resend, seq:%v id:%v rtt:%v name:%v", d.Seq, u.Id, uint32(u.rtt), u.name)
// data包: type0 flag1 id2 len3 seq4 tm5 sndwnd6
// 发送窗口就是配置值,其实发送窗口不需要发送出去
// 接收端能发送了,要告诉对面开始发送。这个逻辑可以通过接受端的发送通道来发送。
headLen := structPack(buf, "BBQHIII", uint8(TypeData),
d.Code, uint64(u.Id), uint16(len(d.Data)+4+4+4), d.Seq, uint32(now), uint32(sendMax))
copy(buf[headLen:], d.Data)
u.sock.WriteToUDP(buf[:headLen+len(d.Data)], u.remote)
d.Time = now
d.Fast = false
if u.sendRnd > 100 && u.dataLen > 0 {
u.sendRnd = 0
var resendMax = uint32(float64(u.dataLen) * 0.6)
if u.resendCnt > 2 {
glog.V(0).Infof("resendCnt:%v resendMax:%v remain:%v rtt:%v id:%v", u.resendCnt,
resendMax, u.dataLen, uint32(u.rtt), u.Id)
u.resendCnt = 0
// 修复bug: 之前使用lastrecvtime,存在新增发送数据数据那瞬间,出现超时情况
if u.data[u.dataBegin].Resend > 10 {
glog.V(0).Infof("resend too much, close, id:%v name:%v drop seq:%v remain:%v",
u.Id, u.name, u.data[u.dataBegin].Seq, u.dataLen)
u.conn.close(true, true)
var resendToomuch bool
if uint32(resendCnt) > sendTotal/3 && resendLimit { // 修复bug: 限速
resendToomuch = true
glog.V(4).Infof("resend too much, slow, %v %v", resendCnt, sendTotal)
for ; sendCount > 0; sendCount-- {
sendData := u.sendList.Front()
if sendData == nil {
if sendMax-u.dataLen <= 0 || resendToomuch {
if u.dataLen >= len(u.data) {
newData := make([]DataSend, 2*len(u.data))
copy(newData, u.data[u.dataBegin:])
copy(newData[len(u.data)-u.dataBegin:], u.data[:u.dataBegin])
u.dataBegin = 0
u.data = newData
hType := uint8(0)
sdata, ok := sendData.Value.([]byte)
if !ok {
// 发送控制消息
mesCode, _ := sendData.Value.(byte)
hType = mesCode
headLen := structPack(buf, "BBQHIII", uint8(TypeData), hType,
uint64(u.Id), uint16(len(sdata)+4+4+4), u.seq, uint32(now), uint32(sendMax))
copy(buf[headLen:], sdata)
u.sock.WriteToUDP(buf[:headLen+len(sdata)], u.remote)
glog.V(4).Infof("send, seq:%v id:%v %v", u.seq, u.Id, u.name)
index := (u.dataBegin + u.dataLen) % len(u.data)
u.data[index] = DataSend{
Seq: u.seq,
Time: now,
Code: hType,
Data: sdata,
listRemain := u.writeMax - u.sendList.Len()
if listRemain > 0 {
select {
case u.writable <- !u.isClose:
if u.isClose && u.dataLen == 0 && u.closing == false { // 修复bug: 之前5秒删除,实际发送没完成
// 修复bug: 接受端write端close为true, 导致5秒后呗删除,来不及接受数据。
glog.V(1).Infof("close and emtpy, rm conn, id:%v name:%v seq:%v listlen:%v",
u.Id, u.name, u.seq, u.sendList.Len())
u.closing = true
u.conn.close(false, true)
func testDrop() bool {
if dropRate < 0.01 {
return false
var v uint32
var b [4]byte
if _, err := crand.Read(b[:]); err != nil {
v = mrand.Uint32()
} else {
v = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[:])
if v%1000 < uint32(dropRate*1000) {
return true
return false
func (u *UdpSend) recv(buf []byte) {
if testDrop() {
now := uint32(time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond))
// ack包: type0 flag1 id2 len3 tm4 rcvwnd5 acked6
head, headLen := structUnPack(buf, "BBQHIII")
if head[0] == uint64(TypeAck) && u.dataLen > 0 {
firstSeq := u.data[u.dataBegin].Seq
acked := uint32(head[6])
offset := int(int32(acked - firstSeq))
glog.V(4).Infof("id:%v recv ack: %v offset:%v databegin:%v dataLen:%v firstSeq:%v name:%v",
u.Id, acked, offset, u.dataBegin, u.dataLen, firstSeq, u.name)
if offset >= 0 && offset < u.dataLen {
for i := 0; i < offset; i++ { // 修复bug: 清除引用等
index := (u.dataBegin + i) % len(u.data) // 修复bug,i写成offset
d := &u.data[index]
d.Data = nil
d.Acked = true
u.acked += uint32(offset)
u.dataBegin += offset
u.dataBegin = u.dataBegin % len(u.data)
u.dataLen -= offset
glog.V(4).Infof("2 acked ok:%v, id:%v %v", u.acked, u.Id, u.name)
if u.dataLen > 0 {
curSeq := u.data[u.dataBegin].Seq
// var ackedSeq = []uint32{}
for i := headLen; i < len(buf); i += 4 {
seq := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[i:])
offset := int(int32(seq - curSeq))
if offset < 0 || offset >= u.dataLen {
index := (u.dataBegin + offset) % len(u.data)
d := &u.data[index]
if d.Seq == seq {
d.Acked = true
d.Data = nil // 修复bug: memory leak
// ackedSeq = append(ackedSeq, seq)
} else {
panic("index not correct")
// if len(ackedSeq) > 0 {
// glog.V(0).Info("seq:", ackedSeq)
// }
var i = 0
for ; i < u.dataLen; i++ {
index := (i + u.dataBegin) % len(u.data)
d := &u.data[index]
if d.Acked == false {
// fmt.Println("acked->", d.Seq)
// if d.Seq == 7 {
// fmt.Println("data:", u.data[u.dataBegin:u.dataBegin+5])
// }
if i > 0 {
u.acked += uint32(i)
u.dataBegin += i
u.dataBegin = u.dataBegin % len(u.data)
u.dataLen -= i
glog.V(4).Infof("3 acked ok:%v, id:%v %v %v", u.acked, u.Id, u.dataBegin, u.name)
sendTime := uint32(head[4])
rtt := now - sendTime
if rtt > 0 {
if firstSeq < 3 {
u.rtt = float64(rtt) // 初始值
} else {
u.rtt = u.rtt*0.8 + float64(rtt)*0.2
if u.rtt < 50.0 {
u.rtt = 50
// glog.V(4).Infof("rtt:%v u.rtt:%v id:%v", rtt, u.rtt, u.Id)
u.recvWnd = uint32(head[5])
func structPack(b []byte, format string, param ...interface{}) int {
j := 0
for i, s := range format {
switch s {
case 'I':
p, _ := param[i].(uint32)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[j:], p)
j += 4
case 'B':
p, _ := param[i].(uint8)
b[j] = p
case 'H':
p, _ := param[i].(uint16)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(b[j:], p)
j += 2
case 'Q':
p, _ := param[i].(uint64)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b[j:], p)
j += 8
panic("structPack not found")
return j
func structUnPack(b []byte, format string) ([]uint64, int) {
var re = make([]uint64, 0, len(format))
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
// log.Error(err)
re[0] = 0
j := 0
for _, s := range format {
switch s {
case 'I':
re = append(re, uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[j:])))
j += 4
case 'B':
re = append(re, uint64(b[j]))
case 'H':
re = append(re, uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[j:])))
j += 2
case 'Q':
re = append(re, uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[j:])))
j += 8
panic("structUnPack not found")
return re, j
type UdpRecv struct {
conn *Conn
Id uint64
sock *net.UDPConn
remote *net.UDPAddr
acked uint32
lastTm uint32
sndWnd uint32
recvCnt uint32
isClose bool
isNew byte
isRecved bool
recvList *list.List
recvListLock sync.Mutex
readable chan byte
readDeadline *time.Time
seqData map[uint32]*DataRecv
dataList *list.List
name string
func NewUdpRecv(conn *Conn, id uint64, sock *net.UDPConn, remote *net.UDPAddr, name string) *UdpRecv {
return &UdpRecv{
Id: id,
conn: conn,
sock: sock,
remote: remote,
acked: 0,
recvList: list.New(),
dataList: list.New(),
seqData: make(map[uint32]*DataRecv),
readable: make(chan byte, 1),
isNew: 50,
name: name,
sndWnd: 1000,
func (u *UdpRecv) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) {
u.readDeadline = &t
func (u *UdpRecv) sendAck(nowTime time.Time, buf []byte) {
for {
if d, ok := u.seqData[u.acked+1]; ok {
if d.Code == TypeClose {
if u.isClose == false {
glog.V(1).Info("recv close:", u.Id)
u.conn.close(false, true)
u.isClose = true
} else {
d.Data = nil
delete(u.seqData, u.acked)
} else {
recvListLen := u.recvList.Len()
// glog.V(4).Info("acked:", u.acked, u.Id, recvListLen, u.name)
if recvListLen > 0 { // 修复bug,用标志可能会有读不到的数据 修复bug: 去掉 && u.isClose == false,导致读取延迟
select {
case u.readable <- 1:
} else if u.isClose == true { // 修复bug:快速close
select {
case u.readable <- 0:
if u.readDeadline != nil && !u.readDeadline.IsZero() {
if u.readDeadline.Before(nowTime) { // 修复bug after
select {
case u.readable <- 2:
glog.V(0).Info("read dealline: ", u.Id)
var b = buf[:mss]
buf = buf[mss:]
var n = 0
for i := u.dataList.Front(); i != nil; {
d := i.Value.(*DataRecv)
next := i.Next()
if d.AckCnt > 6 || before(d.Seq, u.acked+1) { // 发几次够了,不反复发
// d.Removed = true
u.dataList.Remove(i) // 修复bug,删除逻辑不对,需要保存next
// delete(u.seqData, d.Seq) // 修复bug: 对面已经确认,这里删了,没有重发,也没有了数据。已经收到的数据并且发了ack的数据,不要删了!
i = next
i = next
if d.AckCnt%3 == 0 {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[n:], d.Seq)
n += 4
if n >= len(b) {
wnd := int(u.sndWnd) - recvListLen - len(u.seqData)
if wnd < 0 {
wnd = 0
headLen := structPack(buf, "BBQHIII", uint8(TypeAck), uint8(0), uint64(u.Id), uint16(4+4+4+n),
u.lastTm, uint32(wnd), u.acked)
copy(buf[headLen:], b[:n])
u.sock.WriteToUDP(buf[:headLen+n], u.remote)
glog.V(4).Infof("id:%v send ack n:%v", u.Id, n)
n = 0 // 修复bug,没有置零
u.isRecved = false // 修复bug: 有时候发多一条数据
if n > 0 || u.isRecved { // 修复bug: 一直发数据 修复bug: 有时候发多一条数据
wnd := int(u.sndWnd) - recvListLen - len(u.seqData)
if wnd < 0 {
wnd = 0
headLen := structPack(buf, "BBQHIII", uint8(TypeAck), uint8(0), uint64(u.Id), uint16(4+4+4+n),
u.lastTm, uint32(wnd), u.acked)
copy(buf[headLen:], b[:n])
u.sock.WriteToUDP(buf[:headLen+n], u.remote)
glog.V(4).Infof("id:%v send ack n:%v datalen:%v", u.Id, n, u.dataList.Len())
u.isRecved = false
// 修复bug: 如果自己只是发数据,那么自己的acked通道会没用到。所以要判断自己是否在发送数据。
if u.isNew > 0 { // 完成的优化:超时不确认第一包,就删除链接。防止旧链接不断发包。
if u.isNew == 0 && u.acked == 0 {
glog.V(0).Infof("not recv first packet!!! close, id:%v name:%v", u.Id, u.name)
if u.acked >= 1 || u.conn.s.seq > 1 {
u.isNew = 0
// before seq1比seq2小
func before(seq1, seq2 uint32) bool {
return (int32)(seq1-seq2) < 0
func after(seq1, seq2 uint32) bool {
return (int32)(seq2-seq1) < 0
func (u *UdpRecv) recv(buf []byte) {
if testDrop() {
u.isRecved = true
// data包: type0 flag1 id2 len3 seq4 tm5 sndwnd6
head, headLen := structUnPack(buf, "BBQHIII")
if head[0] == uint64(TypeData) {
seq := uint32(head[4])
u.lastTm = uint32(head[5])
u.sndWnd = uint32(head[6])
glog.V(4).Info(u.Id, " recv seq: ", seq, " len: ", u.dataList.Len())
if before(seq, u.acked+1) { // 修复bug: 收到before的数据,seqData不会回收。
// glog.V(0).Info("seq before u.acked:", seq, u.acked, u.Id)
// 修复bug: 修复没重发问题。之前由于一直会重发,这个逻辑有意义。现在只重发几次。
// if d, ok := u.seqData[seq]; ok {
// d.AckCnt = 0
// if d.Removed == false { // 修复bug:可能没ack导致一直重发,要直到acked全部覆盖。
// return
// }
// }
// glog.V(4).Info(u.Id, " recv 2 seq: ", seq, " len: ", u.dataList.Len())
d := &DataRecv{
Seq: seq,
Data: buf[headLen:],
Code: byte(head[1]),
u.seqData[seq] = d
func SetRate(rate uint32) {
defaultRate = rate
func SetDropRate(rate float64) {
if rate > 0.001 {
dropRate = rate
type Conn struct {
Id uint64
s *UdpSend
r *UdpRecv
responsed chan bool
isClose bool
isSendClose bool
isRmConn bool
conns *Conns
func NewConn(conns *Conns, Id uint64, localConn *net.UDPConn, remote *net.UDPAddr, name string) *Conn {
conn := &Conn{
Id: Id,
conns: conns,
responsed: make(chan bool, 1),
conn.s = NewUdpSend(conn, conn.Id, localConn, remote, name)
conn.r = NewUdpRecv(conn, conn.Id, localConn, remote, name)
return conn
func (c *Conn) Write(bb []byte) (n int, err error) {
if c.isClose {
return 0, ErrClose
// 1.对方告诉你满了,是要叫你不要发数据了,而不是还发数据。
// 2.没有窗口就没法快速地确定对面有没有满,如果你要等到自己的的buffer满,那么可能会比较慢感知到
// 固定buffer + 停止通知
b := make([]byte, len(bb)) // 修复bug1:没有拷贝
copy(b, bb)
for {
remain := c.s.writeMax - c.s.sendList.Len()
for {
if len(b) <= 0 {
if remain <= 0 {
var sendLen = int(mss)
if len(b) < sendLen {
// 实际发送值
sendLen = len(b)
n += sendLen
// fmt.Println("write:", b[:10])
b = b[sendLen:]
if len(b) <= 0 {
// glog.V(0).Info("wait write: ", c.Id)
w := <-c.s.writable
if w == false {
return n, ErrClose
return n, nil
func (c *Conn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
for {
for {
f := c.r.recvList.Front()
if f != nil {
data := f.Value.([]byte)
copy(b[n:], data)
maxCap := len(b[n:])
if maxCap < len(data) {
// b已满
f.Value = data[maxCap:]
n += maxCap
} else {
// b未满
n += len(data)
} else {
// 读完数据了
if n <= 0 {
// glog.V(4).Info("wait read", c.Id)
// wait for chan
r := <-c.r.readable
if r == 0 { // close之后总是返回初始值
rlen := c.r.recvList.Len()
if rlen <= 0 { // 修复bug: 等到read完所有数据才让read返回错误
return n, ErrClose
if r == 2 {
return n, ErrTimeout
} else {
func (c *Conn) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
return c.conns.sock.LocalAddr()
func (c *Conn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
return c.conns.sock.RemoteAddr()
func (c *Conn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return nil
func (c *Conn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return nil
func (c *Conn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return nil
func (c *Conn) close(sendClose, rmConn bool) {
if c.isClose == false {
c.isClose = true
c.r.isClose = true
if sendClose && c.isSendClose == false { // 修复bug:
c.isSendClose = true
if rmConn && c.isRmConn == false {
c.isRmConn = true
time.AfterFunc(time.Second*5, func() {
select {
case c.conns.input <- Input{
typ: ActRmConn,
param: c,
func (c *Conn) Close() error {
if c.isClose == false {
c.isClose = true
c.s.isClose = true
// bug: 接收不能主动关闭
c.isSendClose = true
// bug: close之后,5秒数据可能无法完成发送
return nil
type Conns struct {
conns map[uint64]*Conn
sock *net.UDPConn
accept chan *Conn
isClose bool
isDial bool
timerRnd uint32
input chan Input
func NewConns() *Conns {
return &Conns{
conns: make(map[uint64]*Conn),
accept: make(chan *Conn, 256),
input: make(chan Input, 2048),
func Listen(network, address string) (net.Listener, error) {
addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
listener := NewConns()
listener.sock = conn
go listener.loop()
return listener, nil
var dialConns *Conns
var dialConnsLock sync.Mutex
func Dial(network, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
return DialTimeout(network, address, time.Second*3)
func DialTimeout(network, address string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var b [8]byte
if _, err := crand.Read(b[:]); err != nil {
return nil, err
id := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b[:])
glog.V(0).Info("dial new 3:", id)
if dialConns == nil {
dialConns = NewConns()
if dialConns.sock == nil {
s, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", &net.UDPAddr{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dialConns.sock = s
dialConns.isDial = true
go dialConns.loop()
conn := NewConn(dialConns, id, dialConns.sock, addr, "reqer")
dialConns.input <- Input{
typ: ActAddConn,
param: conn,
// conn.s.sendListLock.Lock()
// conn.s.sendList.PushBack(byte(TypeSYN))
// conn.s.sendListLock.Unlock()
return conn, nil
func (c *Conns) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
for {
if c.isClose {
return nil, errors.New("listener close")
conn := <-c.accept
if conn == nil {
return nil, errors.New("listener close")
return conn, nil
func (c *Conns) Close() error {
c.isClose = true
c.input <- Input{
typ: ActEnd,
return nil
func (c *Conns) Addr() net.Addr {
return c.sock.LocalAddr()
const (
ActData = 1
ActTimer = 2
ActAddConn = 3
ActRmConn = 4
ActEnd = 5
type Input struct {
typ uint8
data []byte
param interface{}
func (c *Conns) loop() {
// 这里输入时间和数据
// 只起一个timer,给所有conn发
// 之前用setreaddeadline这个不太好,容易出现长时间没超时
glog.V(0).Info("loop: ", c.isDial)
go func() {
var buf = make([]byte, 2048)
for {
n, remote, err := c.sock.ReadFromUDP(buf)
if n <= 0 || err != nil {
b := make([]byte, n)
copy(b, buf[:n])
c.input <- Input{
typ: ActData,
data: b,
param: remote,
if c.isClose {
var timerRunning bool
var releaseMemory uint32
var buf = make([]byte, mss*3)
for {
data := <-c.input
switch data.typ {
case ActData:
head, _ := structUnPack(data.data, "BBQ")
// fmt.Println(head[0], head[2])
var dataType = head[0]
if conn, ok := c.conns[head[2]]; ok {
// TODO: 给dial中的链接发送成功 -> 暂时不需要,现在dial不判断这些,默认成功
if dataType == uint64(TypeData) {
} else if dataType == uint64(TypeAck) {
} else {
if c.isDial == false && dataType == uint64(TypeData) && c.isClose == false { // 不需要TypeSYN
// glog.V(0).Info("create new:", head[2])
// 只有主动listen的,才有新链接,而dial自己就会创建新连接,不用创建
conn := NewConn(c, head[2], c.sock, data.param.(*net.UDPAddr), "rsper")
c.conns[conn.Id] = conn
select {
case c.accept <- conn:
if timerRunning == false {
timerRunning = true
go c.runTimer(c.timerRnd)
glog.V(0).Info("start timer, round:", c.timerRnd, c.isDial)
case ActTimer:
now := time.Now()
for _, conn := range c.conns {
conn.s.send(now, buf)
conn.r.sendAck(now, buf)
if len(c.conns) == 0 && timerRunning {
glog.V(0).Info("no conn, stop timer, round:", c.timerRnd, c.isDial)
timerRunning = false
if releaseMemory > 50*60 {
releaseMemory = 0
go func() {
debug.FreeOSMemory() // 修复bug: go在windows不回收内存
case ActAddConn:
conn := data.param.(*Conn)
c.conns[conn.Id] = conn
if timerRunning == false {
timerRunning = true
go c.runTimer(c.timerRnd)
glog.V(0).Info("start timer, round:", c.timerRnd, c.isDial)
case ActRmConn:
conn := data.param.(*Conn)
// fmt.Println("rm conn:", conn.Id)
conn.isClose = true
conn.s.isClose = true
conn.r.isClose = true
if _, ok := c.conns[conn.Id]; ok {
glog.V(0).Info("rm conn ok:", conn.Id, c.isDial, len(c.conns))
close(conn.s.writable) // 修复bug: 没有close
delete(c.conns, conn.Id)
case ActEnd:
timerRunning = false
c.isClose = true
for _, conn := range c.conns {
conn.isClose = true
conn.s.isClose = true
conn.r.isClose = true
c.conns = make(map[uint64]*Conn)
func (c *Conns) runTimer(rnd uint32) {
// runtime.LockOSThread()
for {
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
// C.usleep(20 * 1000)
if rnd != c.timerRnd {
glog.V(0).Info("timer stop, round:", rnd, c.isDial)
if c.isClose || rnd != c.timerRnd {
c.input <- Input{typ: ActTimer}