# Run with Docker ⚠ This is a bit more involved of a setup than just running the jar ⚠ ## Prerequisites Docker Desktop for your operating system. Once installed, you can check that it works by opening a command prompt and running docker run -it hello-world ## Run as a standalone container Use either a specific image, preferrably the [latest image published](https://gitlab.com/mangadex-pub/mangadex_at_home/container_registry/1200259) > While it might work, using `registry.gitlab.com/mangadex-pub/mangadex_at_home:latest` is a bad idea as we do not guarantee forward-compatibility ## Run with Prometheus and Grafana (i.e. dashboards) ![](dashboard.png) ### Quickstart 1. Install `docker-compose`. Follow the steps [here](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) 2. Copy the `docker` directory somewhere *on the drive you want to use as cache storage** a. edit `docker-compose.yml` and replace `registry.gitlab.com/mangadex-pub/mangadex_at_home:` with the appropriate version 3. Copy your `settings.json` inside that directory (it should be next to `docker-compose.yml`) 4. Run `docker-compose up -d` from within this directory 5. That's it. You should now check the following: - There are 3 containers in 'Up' state when running `docker ps` (`mangadex-at-home`, `prometheus` and `grafana`) - The test image loads at [https://localhost/data/8172a46adc798f4f4ace6663322a383e/B18.png](https://localhost/data/8172a46adc798f4f4ace6663322a383e/B18.png) - Prometheus loads at [http://localhost:9090](http://localhost:9090) - Grafana loads at [http://localhost:3000/dashboards](http://localhost:3000/dashboards) and you can open the dashboard ### Notes The pre-made configuration is hardcoded both public port 443 and this directory structure: Folders/files copied from the git repository -> prometheus/... - pre-made config -> grafana/... - pre-made config -> docker-compose.yml Your settings.json -> settings.json Created by the containers -> data/ -> cache - the client's image cache -> prometheus - prometheus database files -> grafana - grafana files All of this is configurable to suit your needs but is not recommended unless you are familiar with Docker already.