
69 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable file

# shellcheck source=../scripts/helpers/
source /usr/local/bin/helpers/
function _main
_require_n_parameters_or_print_usage 2 "${@}"
local DOMAIN="${1}"
local HOST="${2}"
local PORT="${3}"
function __usage
printf '%s' "${PURPLE}addrelayhost${RED}(${YELLOW}8${RED})
./ relay add-domain <SENDER DOMAIN> <RELAY HOST> [<RELAY PORT>]
${BLUE}Generic Program Information${RESET}
help Print the usage information.
Add a relay-host where mail sent from mail accounts of the provided
domain will be relayed through to their destination.
If a port is not provided it will default to 25.
If the relay-host requires authentication, use the 'setup relay add-auth'
command after adding the relay-host.
${LWHITE}./ relay add-domain relay.service.test 587${RESET}
Any mail submitted from your '' accounts will be sent via
relay using the relay-host service at 'relay.service.test:587'.
Exit status is 0 if command was successful. If wrong arguments are provided
or arguments contain errors, the script will exit early with exit status 1.
function _validate_parameters
[[ -z ${DOMAIN} ]] && { __usage ; _exit_with_error 'No domain specified' ; }
[[ -z ${HOST} ]] && { __usage ; _exit_with_error 'No relay host specified' ; }
[[ -z ${PORT} ]] && PORT=25
# Config is for sender dependent relay-host mapping,
# current support restricts senders to domain scope (port is also enforced).
function _add_relayhost
local SENDER="@${DOMAIN}"
local DATABASE_RELAY='/tmp/docker-mailserver/'
_db_entry_add_or_replace "${DATABASE_RELAY}" "${SENDER}" "${RELAY_HOST_ENTRY}"
_main "${@}"