NAME = tvial/docker-mailserver VERSION = $(TRAVIS_BUILD_ID) all: build run prepare fixtures tests build: docker build --no-cache -t $(NAME):$(VERSION) . run: # Copy test files cp test/ postfix/ cp test/virtual postfix/ # Run container docker run -d --name mail -v "`pwd`/postfix":/tmp/postfix -v "`pwd`/spamassassin":/tmp/spamassassin -v "`pwd`/test":/tmp/test -h -t $(NAME):$(VERSION) sleep 10 prepare: # Reinitialize logs docker exec mail /bin/sh -c 'echo "" > /var/log/mail.log' fixtures: # Sending test mails for file in test/email-templates/*.txt ; do docker exec mail /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/$$file" ; done # Wait for mails to be analyzed sleep 10 tests: # Start tests /bin/bash ./test/