load 'test_helper/common' function setup() { run_setup_file_if_necessary } function teardown() { run_teardown_file_if_necessary } function setup_file() { pushd test/docker-openldap/ docker build -f Dockerfile -t ldap $DOCKER_MAIL_DOCKER_BUILD_NO_CACHE . popd docker run -d --name ldap_for_mail \ -e LDAP_DOMAIN="localhost.localdomain" \ -h ldap.my-domain.com -t ldap docker run -d --name mail_with_ldap \ -v "`pwd`/test/config":/tmp/docker-mailserver \ -v "`pwd`/test/test-files":/tmp/docker-mailserver-test:ro \ -e ENABLE_LDAP=1 \ -e LDAP_SERVER_HOST=ldap \ -e LDAP_START_TLS=no \ -e SPOOF_PROTECTION=1 \ -e LDAP_SEARCH_BASE=ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain \ -e LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain \ -e LDAP_BIND_PW=admin \ -e LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_USER="(&(mail=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))" \ -e LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_GROUP="(&(mailGroupMember=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE))" \ -e LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_ALIAS="(|(&(mailAlias=%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailForward))(&(mailAlias=%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE)))" \ -e LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_DOMAIN="(|(&(mail=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE))(&(mailGroupMember=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE))(&(mailalias=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailForward)))" \ -e DOVECOT_TLS=no \ -e DOVECOT_PASS_FILTER="(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n))" \ -e DOVECOT_USER_FILTER="(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n))" \ -e REPORT_RECIPIENT=1 \ -e ENABLE_SASLAUTHD=1 \ -e SASLAUTHD_MECHANISMS=ldap \ -e SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SERVER=ldap \ -e SASLAUTHD_LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain \ -e SASLAUTHD_LDAP_PASSWORD=admin \ -e SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE=ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain \ -e POSTMASTER_ADDRESS=postmaster@localhost.localdomain \ -e DMS_DEBUG=0 \ --link ldap_for_mail:ldap \ -h mail.my-domain.com -t ${NAME} wait_for_smtp_port_in_container mail_with_ldap } function teardown_file() { docker rm -f ldap_for_mail mail_with_ldap } @test "first" { # this test must come first to reliably identify when to run setup_file } # processes @test "checking process: saslauthd (saslauthd server enabled)" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/bash -c "ps aux --forest | grep -v grep | grep '/usr/sbin/saslauthd'" assert_success } # postfix @test "checking postfix: ldap lookup works correctly" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "postmap -q some.user@localhost.localdomain ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf" assert_success assert_output "some.user@localhost.localdomain" run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "postmap -q postmaster@localhost.localdomain ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf" assert_success assert_output "some.user@localhost.localdomain" run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "postmap -q employees@localhost.localdomain ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-groups.cf" assert_success assert_output "some.user@localhost.localdomain" # Test of the user part of the domain is not the same as the uniqueIdentifier part in the ldap run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "postmap -q some.user.email@localhost.localdomain ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf" assert_success assert_output "some.user.email@localhost.localdomain" # Test email receiving from a other domain then the primary domain of the mailserver run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "postmap -q some.other.user@localhost.otherdomain ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf" assert_success assert_output "some.other.user@localhost.otherdomain" run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "postmap -q postmaster@localhost.otherdomain ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf" assert_success assert_output "some.other.user@localhost.otherdomain" run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "postmap -q employees@localhost.otherdomain ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-groups.cf" assert_success assert_output "some.other.user@localhost.otherdomain" } @test "checking postfix: ldap custom config files copied" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep '# Testconfig for ldap integration' /etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep '# Testconfig for ldap integration' /etc/postfix/ldap-groups.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep '# Testconfig for ldap integration' /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf" assert_success } @test "checking postfix: ldap config overwrites success" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'server_host = ldap' /etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'start_tls = no' /etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'search_base = ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' /etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'bind_dn = cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' /etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'server_host = ldap' /etc/postfix/ldap-groups.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'start_tls = no' /etc/postfix/ldap-groups.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'search_base = ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' /etc/postfix/ldap-groups.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'bind_dn = cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' /etc/postfix/ldap-groups.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'server_host = ldap' /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'start_tls = no' /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'search_base = ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'bind_dn = cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' /etc/postfix/ldap-aliases.cf" assert_success } # dovecot @test "checking dovecot: ldap imap connection and authentication works" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "nc -w 1 143 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/imap-ldap-auth.txt" assert_success } @test "checking dovecot: ldap mail delivery works" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "sendmail -f user@external.tld some.user@localhost.localdomain < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/test-email.txt" sleep 10 run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "ls -A /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/some.user/new | wc -l" assert_success assert_output 1 } @test "checking dovecot: ldap mail delivery works for a different domain then the mailserver" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "sendmail -f user@external.tld some.other.user@localhost.otherdomain < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/email-templates/test-email.txt" sleep 10 run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "ls -A /var/mail/localhost.localdomain/some.other.user/new | wc -l" assert_success assert_output 1 } @test "checking dovecot: ldap config overwrites success" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'hosts = ldap' /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'tls = no' /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'base = ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'dn = cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain' /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext" assert_success } @test "checking dovecot: postmaster address" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "grep 'postmaster_address = postmaster@localhost.localdomain' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf" assert_success } @test "checking spoofing: rejects sender forging" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/ldap-smtp-auth-spoofed.txt | grep 'Sender address rejected: not owned by user'" assert_success } # ATTENTION: this test must come after "checking dovecot: ldap mail delivery works" since it will deliver an email which skews the count in said test, leading to failure @test "checking spoofing: accepts sending as alias" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "nc 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/ldap-smtp-auth-spoofed-alias.txt | grep 'End data with'" assert_success } # saslauthd @test "checking saslauthd: sasl ldap authentication works" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap bash -c "testsaslauthd -u some.user -p secret" assert_success } @test "checking saslauthd: ldap smtp authentication" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "nc -w 5 25 < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/sasl-ldap-smtp-auth.txt | grep 'Authentication successful'" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "openssl s_client -quiet -connect < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/sasl-ldap-smtp-auth.txt | grep 'Authentication successful'" assert_success run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/sh -c "openssl s_client -quiet -starttls smtp -connect < /tmp/docker-mailserver-test/auth/sasl-ldap-smtp-auth.txt | grep 'Authentication successful'" assert_success } # # Pflogsumm delivery check # @test "checking pflogsum delivery" { # checking default sender is correctly set when env variable not defined run docker exec mail_with_ldap grep "mailserver-report@mail.my-domain.com" /etc/logrotate.d/maillog assert_success # checking default logrotation setup run docker exec mail_with_ldap grep "daily" /etc/logrotate.d/maillog assert_success } # # supervisor # @test "checking restart of process: saslauthd (saslauthd server enabled)" { run docker exec mail_with_ldap /bin/bash -c "pkill saslauthd && sleep 10 && ps aux --forest | grep -v grep | grep '/usr/sbin/saslauthd'" assert_success } @test "last" { # this test is only there to reliably mark the end for the teardown_file }