--- title: 'Security | Fail2Ban' hide: - toc # Hide Table of Contents for this page --- Fail2Ban is installed automatically and bans IP addresses for 3 hours after 3 failed attempts in 10 minutes by default. ## Configuration files If you want to change this, you can easily edit our github example file: [`config-examples/fail2ban-jail.cf`][github-file-f2bjail]. You can do the same with the values from `fail2ban.conf`, e.g `dbpurgeage`. In that case you need to edit: [`config-examples/fail2ban-fail2ban.cf`][github-file-f2bconfig]. The configuration files need to be located at the root of the `/tmp/docker-mailserver/` volume bind (usually `./docker-data/dms/config/:/tmp/docker-mailserver/`). This following configuration files from `/tmp/docker-mailserver/` will be copied during container startup. - `fail2ban-jail.cf` -> `/etc/fail2ban/jail.d/user-jail.local` - `fail2ban-fail2ban.cf` -> `/etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.local` ### Docker-compose config Example configuration volume bind: ```yaml volumes: - ./docker-data/dms/config/:/tmp/docker-mailserver/ ``` !!! attention DMS must be launched with the `NET_ADMIN` capability in order to be able to install the nftables rules that actually ban IP addresses. Thus either include `--cap-add=NET_ADMIN` in the `docker run` command, or the equivalent in `docker-compose.yml`: ```yaml cap_add: - NET_ADMIN ``` ## Running fail2ban in a rootless container [`RootlessKit`][rootless::rootless-kit] is the _fakeroot_ implementation for supporting _rootless mode_ in Docker and Podman. By default RootlessKit uses the [`builtin` port forwarding driver][rootless::port-drivers], which does not propagate source IP addresses. It is necessary for `fail2ban` to have access to the real source IP addresses in order to correctly identify clients. This is achieved by changing the port forwarding driver to [`slirp4netns`][rootless::slirp4netns], which is slower than `builtin` but does preserve the real source IPs. ### Docker with `slirp4netns` port driver For [rootless mode][rootless::docker] in Docker, create `~/.config/systemd/user/docker.service.d/override.conf` with the following content: ``` [Service] Environment="DOCKERD_ROOTLESS_ROOTLESSKIT_PORT_DRIVER=slirp4netns" ``` And then restart the daemon: ```console $ systemctl --user daemon-reload $ systemctl --user restart docker ``` !!! note This changes the port driver for all rootless containers managed by Docker. Per container configuration is not supported, if you need that consider Podman instead. ### Podman with `slirp4netns` port driver [Rootless Podman][rootless::podman] requires adding the value `slirp4netns:port_handler=slirp4netns` to the `--network` CLI option, or `network_mode` setting in your `docker-compose.yml`. You must also add the ENV `NETWORK_INTERFACE=tap0`, because Podman uses a [hard-coded interface name][rootless::podman::interface] for `slirp4netns`. !!! example ```yaml services: mailserver: network_mode: "slirp4netns:port_handler=slirp4netns" environment: - ENABLE_FAIL2BAN=1 - NETWORK_INTERFACE=tap0 ... ``` !!! note `slirp4netns` is not compatible with user-defined networks. ## Manage bans You can also manage and list the banned IPs with the [`setup.sh`][docs-setupsh] script. ### List bans ```sh ./setup.sh fail2ban ``` ### Un-ban Here `` is our banned IP. ```sh ./setup.sh fail2ban unban ``` [docs-setupsh]: ../setup.sh.md [github-file-f2bjail]: https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/blob/master/config-examples/fail2ban-jail.cf [github-file-f2bconfig]: https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/blob/master/config-examples/fail2ban-fail2ban.cf [rootless::rootless-kit]: https://github.com/rootless-containers/rootlesskit [rootless::port-drivers]: https://github.com/rootless-containers/rootlesskit/blob/v0.14.5/docs/port.md#port-drivers [rootless::slirp4netns]: https://github.com/rootless-containers/slirp4netns [rootless::docker]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/rootless [rootless::podman]: https://github.com/containers/podman/blob/v3.4.1/docs/source/markdown/podman-run.1.md#--networkmode---net [rootless::podman::interface]: https://github.com/containers/podman/blob/v3.4.1/libpod/networking_slirp4netns.go#L264