# Docker Mailserver [![ci::status]][ci::github] [![docker::pulls]][docker::hub] [![documentation::badge]][documentation::web] [ci::status]: https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/Build%2C%20Test%20%26%20Deploy?color=blue&label=CI&logo=github&logoColor=white&style=for-the-badge [ci::github]: https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/actions [docker::pulls]: https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/mailserver/docker-mailserver.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=docker&logoColor=white [docker::hub]: https://hub.docker.com/r/mailserver/docker-mailserver/ [documentation::badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/DOCUMENTATION-GH%20PAGES-0078D4?style=for-the-badge&logo=git&logoColor=white [documentation::web]: https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/ A fullstack but simple mail server (SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, Antispam, Antivirus, etc.). Only configuration files, no SQL database. Keep it simple and versioned. Easy to deploy and upgrade. [Documentation][documentation::web] via MkDocs. [Why this image was created.](https://tvi.al/simple-mail-server-with-docker/). If you have issues, read the full `README` **and** the [documentation][documentation::web] **for your version** (default is `edge`) first **before opening an issue**. The issue tracker is for issues, not for personal support. 1. [Included Services](#included-services) 2. [Issues and Contributing](./CONTRIBUTING.md) 3. [Requirements](#requirements) 4. [Usage](#usage) 5. [Examples](#examples) 6. [Environment Variables](https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/config/environment/) 7. [Documentation][documentation::web] 8. [Release Notes](./CHANGELOG.md) ## Included Services - [Postfix](http://www.postfix.org) with SMTP or LDAP auth - [Dovecot](https://www.dovecot.org) for SASL, IMAP (or POP3), with LDAP Auth, Sieve and [quotas](https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/config/user-management/accounts#notes) - [Amavis](https://www.amavis.org/) - [SpamAssassin](http://spamassassin.apache.org/) supporting custom rules - [ClamAV](https://www.clamav.net/) with automatic updates - [OpenDKIM](http://www.opendkim.org) - [OpenDMARC](https://github.com/trusteddomainproject/OpenDMARC) - [Fail2ban](https://www.fail2ban.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) - [Fetchmail](http://www.fetchmail.info/fetchmail-man.html) - [Postscreen](http://www.postfix.org/POSTSCREEN_README.html) - [Postgrey](https://postgrey.schweikert.ch/) - [LetsEncrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) and self-signed certificates - [Setup script](https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/config/setup.sh) to easily configure and maintain your mailserver - Basic [Sieve support](https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/config/advanced/mail-sieve) using dovecot - SASLauthd with LDAP auth - Persistent data and state - [CI/CD](https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/actions) - [Extension Delimiters](http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#recipient_delimiter) (`you+extension@example.com` go to `you@example.com`) ## Requirements **Recommended**: - 1 Core - 2GB RAM - Swap enabled for the container **Minimum**: - 1 vCore - 512MB RAM **Note:** You'll need to deactivate some services like ClamAV to be able to run on a host with 512MB of RAM. Even with 1G RAM you may run into problems without swap, see [FAQ](https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/faq/#what-system-requirements-are-required-to-run-docker-mailserver-effectively). ## Usage ### Available image sources / tags [CI/CD](https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/actions) will automatically build, test and push new images to container registries. Currently, the following registries are supported: - [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/mailserver/docker-mailserver) - [GitHub Container Registry](https://github.com/orgs/docker-mailserver/packages?repo_name=docker-mailserver) All workflows are using the **tagging convention** listed below. It is subsequently applied to all images pushed to supported container registries: | Event | Ref | Commit SHA | Image Tags | |--------------|-----------------------|------------|-------------------------------| | `push` | `refs/heads/master` | `cf20257` | `edge` | | `push` | `refs/heads/stable` | `cf20257` | `stable` | | `push tag` | `refs/tags/[v]1.2.3` | `ad132f5` | `1.2.3`, `1.2`, `1`, `latest` | ### Get the tools Download `docker-compose.yml` and `mailserver.env` ``` BASH wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/master/docker-compose.yml wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/master/mailserver.env ``` and the `setup.sh` **in the correct version** ``` BASH # if you're using :edge as the image tag wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/master/setup.sh # if you're using :latest (= :10.0.0) as the image tag wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/v10.0.0/setup.sh chmod a+x ./setup.sh # and make yourself familiar with the script ./setup.sh help ``` **Make sure to get the `setup.sh` that comes with the release you're using**. Look up the release and the git commit on which this release is based upon by selecting the appropriate tag on GitHub. This can done with the "Switch branches/tags" button on GitHub, choosing the right tag. This is done in order to rule out possible inconsistencies between versions. ### Create a docker-compose environment 1. [Install the latest docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) 2. Edit `docker-compose.yml` to your liking - substitute `` and `` according to your domain - if you want to use SELinux for the `./config/:/tmp/docker-mailserver/` mount, append `-z` or `-Z` 3. Configure the mailserver container to your liking by editing `mailserver.env` ([**Documentation**](https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/config/environment/)) - this file supports [_only_ simple `VAR=VAL`](https://docs.docker.com/compose/env-file/) (**don't** quote your values) - variable substitution is **not** supported (e.g. :no_entry_sign:`OVERRIDE_HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME.$DOMAINNAME` :no_entry_sign:) ### Get up and running ``` BASH docker-compose up -d mailserver # for SELinux, use -Z ./setup.sh [-Z] email add [] ./setup.sh [-Z] alias add postmaster@ ./setup.sh [-Z] config dkim ``` If you're seeing error messages about unchecked error, please **verify that you're using the right version of `setup.sh`**. Refer to the [Get the tools](#get-the-tools) section and / or execute `./setup.sh help` and read the `VERSION` section. In case you're using LDAP, the setup looks a bit different as you do not add user accounts directly. Postfix doesn't know your domain(s) and you need to provide it when configuring DKIM: ``` BASH ./setup.sh config dkim domain '[,]' ``` If you want to see detailed usage information, run `./setup.sh config dkim help`. ### Miscellaneous #### DNS - DKIM When keys are generated, you can configure your DNS server by just pasting the content of `config/opendkim/keys/domain.tld/mail.txt` to [set up DKIM](https://mxtoolbox.com/dmarc/dkim/setup/how-to-setup-dkim). See the [documentation](https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/config/best-practices/dkim/) for more details. #### Custom user changes & patches If you'd like to change, patch or alter files or behavior of `docker-mailserver`, you can use a script. See the [documentation](https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/config/advanced/override-defaults/user-patches/) for a detailed explanation. #### Updating `docker-mailserver` ``` BASH docker-compose pull docker-compose down docker-compose up -d mailserver ``` You're done! And don't forget to have a look at the remaining functions of the `setup.sh` script with `./setup.sh help`. #### Supported Operating Systems We are currently providing support for Linux. Windows is _not_ supported and is known to cause problems. Similarly, macOS is _not officially_ supported - but you may get it to work there. In the end, Linux should be your preferred operating system for this image, especially when using this mailserver in production. #### Bare Domains If you want to use a bare domain (`hostname` == `domainname`), see [FAQ](https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/faq#can-i-use-nakedbare-domains-no-host-name). #### Support for Multiple Domains `docker-mailserver` supports multiple domains out of the box, so you can do this: ``` BASH ./setup.sh email add user1@docker.example.com ./setup.sh email add user1@mail.example.de ./setup.sh email add user1@server.example.org ``` #### SPF/Forwarding Problems If you got any problems with SPF and/or forwarding mails, give [SRS](https://github.com/roehling/postsrsd/blob/master/README.md) a try. You enable SRS by setting `ENABLE_SRS=1`. See the variable description for further information. #### Ports See the [documentation](https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/config/security/understanding-the-ports/) for further details and best practice advice, **especially regarding security concerns**. ## Examples ### With Relevant Environmental Variables This example provides you only with a basic example of what a minimal setup could look like. We **strongly recommend** that you go through the configuration file yourself and adjust everything to your needs. The default [docker-compose.yml](./docker-compose.yml) can be used for the purpose out-of-the-box, see the [usage section](#usage). ``` YAML version: '3.8' services: mailserver: image: docker.io/mailserver/docker-mailserver:latest hostname: mail domainname: example.com container_name: mailserver ports: - "25:25" - "143:143" - "587:587" - "993:993" volumes: - maildata:/var/mail - mailstate:/var/mail-state - maillogs:/var/log/mail - ./config/:/tmp/docker-mailserver/ environment: - ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN=1 - SPAMASSASSIN_SPAM_TO_INBOX=1 - ENABLE_CLAMAV=1 - ENABLE_FAIL2BAN=1 - ENABLE_POSTGREY=1 - ENABLE_SASLAUTHD=0 - ONE_DIR=1 - DMS_DEBUG=0 cap_add: - NET_ADMIN - SYS_PTRACE restart: always volumes: maildata: mailstate: maillogs: ``` #### LDAP setup ``` YAML version: '3.8' services: mailserver: image: docker.io/mailserver/docker-mailserver:latest hostname: mail domainname: example.com container_name: mailserver ports: - "25:25" - "143:143" - "587:587" - "993:993" volumes: - maildata:/var/mail - mailstate:/var/mail-state - maillogs:/var/log/mail - ./config/:/tmp/docker-mailserver/ environment: - ENABLE_SPAMASSASSIN=1 - SPAMASSASSIN_SPAM_TO_INBOX=1 - ENABLE_CLAMAV=1 - ENABLE_FAIL2BAN=1 - ENABLE_POSTGREY=1 - ONE_DIR=1 - DMS_DEBUG=0 - ENABLE_LDAP=1 - LDAP_SERVER_HOST=ldap # your ldap container/IP/ServerName - LDAP_SEARCH_BASE=ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain - LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain - LDAP_BIND_PW=admin - LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_USER=(&(mail=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE)) - LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_GROUP=(&(mailGroupMember=%s)(mailEnabled=TRUE)) - LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_ALIAS=(|(&(mailAlias=%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailForward))(&(mailAlias=%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE))) - LDAP_QUERY_FILTER_DOMAIN=(|(&(mail=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE))(&(mailGroupMember=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(mailEnabled=TRUE))(&(mailalias=*@%s)(objectClass=PostfixBookMailForward))) - DOVECOT_PASS_FILTER=(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n)) - DOVECOT_USER_FILTER=(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%n)) - ENABLE_SASLAUTHD=1 - SASLAUTHD_MECHANISMS=ldap - SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SERVER=ldap - SASLAUTHD_LDAP_BIND_DN=cn=admin,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain - SASLAUTHD_LDAP_PASSWORD=admin - SASLAUTHD_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE=ou=people,dc=localhost,dc=localdomain - SASLAUTHD_LDAP_FILTER=(&(objectClass=PostfixBookMailAccount)(uniqueIdentifier=%U)) - POSTMASTER_ADDRESS=postmaster@localhost.localdomain - POSTFIX_MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT=100000000 cap_add: - NET_ADMIN - SYS_PTRACE restart: always volumes: maildata: mailstate: maillogs: ```