Users are managed in `config/`. Just add the full email address and its encrypted password separated by a pipe. Example: user1@domain.tld|{CRAM-MD5}mypassword-cram-md5-encrypted user2@otherdomain.tld|{CRAM-MD5}myotherpassword-cram-md5-encrypted To generate the password you could run for example the following: docker run --rm \ -e MAIL_USER=user1@domain.tld \ -ti tvial/docker-mailserver:v2 \ /bin/sh -c 'echo "$MAIL_USER|$(doveadm pw -s CRAM-MD5 -u $MAIL_USER )"' You will be asked for a password. Just copy all the output string in the file `config/`. The `doveadm pw` command let you choose between several encryption schemes for the password. Use doveadm pw -l to get a list of the currently supported encryption schemes.