
252 lines
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2019-12-31 15:34:21 +00:00
FROM debian:buster-slim
LABEL maintainer="Thomas VIAL" \"docker-mailserver" \
org.label-schema.description="A fullstack but simple mailserver (smtp, imap, antispam, antivirus, ssl...)" \
org.label-schema.url="" \
org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$VCS_REF \
org.label-schema.vcs-url="" \
org.label-schema.version=$VCS_VERSION \
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
ENV POSTGREY_TEXT="Delayed by postgrey"
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]
# Packages
2020-04-12 01:18:08 +00:00
# hadolint ignore=DL3015,DL3005
2019-12-31 15:34:21 +00:00
apt-get update -q --fix-missing && \
apt-get -y upgrade && \
2017-07-23 17:38:34 +00:00
apt-get -y install postfix && \
apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends \
altermime \
amavisd-new \
apt-transport-https \
arj \
binutils \
bzip2 \
ca-certificates \
cabextract \
clamav \
clamav-daemon \
cpio \
curl \
ed \
fail2ban \
fetchmail \
file \
gamin \
gzip \
debian stretch slim (#784) * Switch to stretch-slim as base image. - first step correct the testdata, as newer packages are more strict about the mail-structure. * Switch to stretch-slim: correcting the test-environment and the build - add missing build-step to make - clean the userdb aswell - use timeout of netcat, as postgrey would not close the connection - there is 2 extra mail-logs -> assert_output 5 - cosmetic: use "" instead of '' * Switch to stretch-slim: new image: - smaller size - 0 CVEs compared to 11 CVEs in ubuntu 16.04 Image better backport situation - postfix 3.1.6 vs 3.1.0 - fail2ban 0.9.6 vs 0.9.3 ... changes needed because of stretch-slim: - add missing gnupg and iproute2 package - remove non-free rar, unrar-free should do - rsyslog does not add syslog user and has different conf-structure - pyzor command discover was deprecated and is missing in the new stretch package - dovecot does not know SSLv2 anymore. removed because of warnings in log - iptables does not know imap3, IMAP working group chose imap2 in favor of imap3 * Switch to debian stretch slim: SSLv2 seems to be a not known protocol anymore - good! * switch to debian stretch slim: make this test more stable. there might be more than only one mail.log (, mail.warn, ...) * switch to debian stretc slim: new openssl 1.1.0 needs stronger ciphers, removed some weekers ones. Please, look through the new list of cipher! this needs to be done in another commit for all other SSL/TLS-Endpoints aswell. * Switch to debian stretch slim: let our server pre-empt the cipher list. Did a read through, wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/FORWARD_SECRECY_READMEDOThtml and wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/TLS_READMEDOThtml * Switch to debian stretch slim: lets give this openssl-based test a new and independent but identical container. many other test on the main 'mail' container might interfere here. * Switch to debian stretch slim: remove unused lines
2017-12-31 11:33:48 +00:00
gnupg \
iproute2 \
iptables \
locales \
2019-09-15 13:40:05 +00:00
logwatch \
lhasa \
2019-09-15 13:40:05 +00:00
libdate-manip-perl \
liblz4-tool \
libmail-spf-perl \
libnet-dns-perl \
libsasl2-modules \
lrzip \
lzop \
netcat-openbsd \
nomarch \
opendkim \
opendkim-tools \
opendmarc \
pax \
pflogsumm \
p7zip-full \
postfix-ldap \
postfix-pcre \
postfix-policyd-spf-python \
postsrsd \
pyzor \
razor \
rpm2cpio \
rsyslog \
sasl2-bin \
spamassassin \
supervisor \
postgrey \
unrar-free \
unzip \
whois \
xz-utils \
# use Dovecot community repo to react faster on security updates
2019-12-31 15:34:21 +00:00
#curl | gpg --import && \
#gpg --export ED409DA1 > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/dovecot.gpg && \
#echo "deb stretch main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dovecot-community.list && \
#apt-get update -q --fix-missing && \
#apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends \
dovecot-core \
dovecot-imapd \
dovecot-ldap \
dovecot-lmtpd \
dovecot-managesieved \
dovecot-pop3d \
dovecot-sieve \
dovecot-solr \
&& \
2017-07-23 17:38:34 +00:00
apt-get autoclean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
rm -rf /usr/share/locale/* && \
rm -rf /usr/share/man/* && \
rm -rf /usr/share/doc/* && \
touch /var/log/auth.log && \
update-locale && \
rm -f /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim && \
2019-09-15 13:40:05 +00:00
rm -f /etc/postsrsd.secret && \
rm -f /etc/cron.daily/00logwatch
RUN echo "0 */6 * * * clamav /usr/bin/freshclam --quiet" > /etc/cron.d/clamav-freshclam && \
2017-07-23 17:38:34 +00:00
chmod 644 /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf && \
freshclam && \
sed -i 's/Foreground false/Foreground true/g' /etc/clamav/clamd.conf && \
sed -i 's/AllowSupplementaryGroups false/AllowSupplementaryGroups true/g' /etc/clamav/clamd.conf && \
mkdir /var/run/clamav && \
chown -R clamav:root /var/run/clamav && \
rm -rf /var/log/clamav/
# Configures Dovecot
2017-07-23 17:38:34 +00:00
COPY target/dovecot/ target/dovecot/??-*.conf /etc/dovecot/conf.d/
WORKDIR /usr/share/dovecot
# hadolint ignore=SC2016,SC2086
2017-07-23 17:38:34 +00:00
RUN sed -i -e 's/include_try \/usr\/share\/dovecot\/protocols\.d/include_try \/etc\/dovecot\/protocols\.d/g' /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf && \
sed -i -e 's/#mail_plugins = \$mail_plugins/mail_plugins = \$mail_plugins sieve/g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf && \
sed -i -e 's/^.*lda_mailbox_autocreate.*/lda_mailbox_autocreate = yes/g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf && \
sed -i -e 's/^.*lda_mailbox_autosubscribe.*/lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes/g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf && \
sed -i -e 's/^.*postmaster_address.*/postmaster_address = '${POSTMASTER_ADDRESS:=""}'/g' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-lda.conf && \
sed -i 's/#imap_idle_notify_interval = 2 mins/imap_idle_notify_interval = 29 mins/' /etc/dovecot/conf.d/20-imap.conf && \
# Adapt mkcert for Dovecot community repo
sed -i 's/CERTDIR=.*/CERTDIR=\/etc\/dovecot\/ssl/g' /usr/share/dovecot/ && \
sed -i 's/KEYDIR=.*/KEYDIR=\/etc\/dovecot\/ssl/g' /usr/share/dovecot/ && \
sed -i 's/KEYFILE=.*/KEYFILE=\$KEYDIR\/dovecot.key/g' /usr/share/dovecot/ && \
# create directory for certificates created by mkcert
mkdir /etc/dovecot/ssl && \
chmod 755 /etc/dovecot/ssl && \
./ && \
mkdir -p /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-filter /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-global && \
chmod 755 -R /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-pipe /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-filter /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-global
2015-03-29 12:07:56 +00:00
# Configures LDAP
COPY target/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext /etc/dovecot
COPY target/postfix/ target/postfix/ target/postfix/ target/postfix/ /etc/postfix/
# Enables Spamassassin CRON updates and update hook for supervisor
# hadolint ignore=SC2016
RUN sed -i -r 's/^(CRON)=0/\1=1/g' /etc/default/spamassassin && \
sed -i -r 's/^\$INIT restart/supervisorctl restart amavis/g' /etc/spamassassin/sa-update-hooks.d/amavisd-new
# Enables Postgrey
COPY target/postgrey/postgrey /etc/default/postgrey
COPY target/postgrey/postgrey.init /etc/init.d/postgrey
2017-07-23 17:38:34 +00:00
RUN chmod 755 /etc/init.d/postgrey && \
mkdir /var/run/postgrey && \
chown postgrey:postgrey /var/run/postgrey
# Copy PostSRSd Config
COPY target/postsrsd/postsrsd /etc/default/postsrsd
# Enables Amavis
COPY target/amavis/conf.d/* /etc/amavis/conf.d/
2017-07-23 17:38:34 +00:00
RUN sed -i -r 's/#(@| \\%)bypass/\1bypass/g' /etc/amavis/conf.d/15-content_filter_mode && \
adduser clamav amavis && \
adduser amavis clamav && \
debian stretch slim (#784) * Switch to stretch-slim as base image. - first step correct the testdata, as newer packages are more strict about the mail-structure. * Switch to stretch-slim: correcting the test-environment and the build - add missing build-step to make - clean the userdb aswell - use timeout of netcat, as postgrey would not close the connection - there is 2 extra mail-logs -> assert_output 5 - cosmetic: use "" instead of '' * Switch to stretch-slim: new image: - smaller size - 0 CVEs compared to 11 CVEs in ubuntu 16.04 Image better backport situation - postfix 3.1.6 vs 3.1.0 - fail2ban 0.9.6 vs 0.9.3 ... changes needed because of stretch-slim: - add missing gnupg and iproute2 package - remove non-free rar, unrar-free should do - rsyslog does not add syslog user and has different conf-structure - pyzor command discover was deprecated and is missing in the new stretch package - dovecot does not know SSLv2 anymore. removed because of warnings in log - iptables does not know imap3, IMAP working group chose imap2 in favor of imap3 * Switch to debian stretch slim: SSLv2 seems to be a not known protocol anymore - good! * switch to debian stretch slim: make this test more stable. there might be more than only one mail.log (, mail.warn, ...) * switch to debian stretc slim: new openssl 1.1.0 needs stronger ciphers, removed some weekers ones. Please, look through the new list of cipher! this needs to be done in another commit for all other SSL/TLS-Endpoints aswell. * Switch to debian stretch slim: let our server pre-empt the cipher list. Did a read through, wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/FORWARD_SECRECY_READMEDOThtml and wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/TLS_READMEDOThtml * Switch to debian stretch slim: lets give this openssl-based test a new and independent but identical container. many other test on the main 'mail' container might interfere here. * Switch to debian stretch slim: remove unused lines
2017-12-31 11:33:48 +00:00
# no syslog user in debian compared to ubuntu
adduser --system syslog && \
useradd -u 5000 -d /home/docker -s /bin/bash -p "$(echo docker | openssl passwd -1 -stdin)" docker && \
echo "0 4 * * * /usr/local/bin/virus-wiper" | crontab -
# Configure Fail2ban
COPY target/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
COPY target/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix-sasl.conf /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix-sasl.conf
RUN mkdir /var/run/fail2ban
# Enables Pyzor and Razor
RUN su - amavis -c "razor-admin -create && \
razor-admin -register"
2016-01-20 15:41:34 +00:00
# Configure DKIM (opendkim)
# DKIM config files
COPY target/opendkim/opendkim.conf /etc/opendkim.conf
COPY target/opendkim/default-opendkim /etc/default/opendkim
2016-01-20 15:41:34 +00:00
# Configure DMARC (opendmarc)
COPY target/opendmarc/opendmarc.conf /etc/opendmarc.conf
COPY target/opendmarc/default-opendmarc /etc/default/opendmarc
COPY target/opendmarc/ignore.hosts /etc/opendmarc/ignore.hosts
# Configure fetchmail
COPY target/fetchmail/fetchmailrc /etc/fetchmailrc_general
RUN sed -i 's/START_DAEMON=no/START_DAEMON=yes/g' /etc/default/fetchmail
RUN mkdir /var/run/fetchmail && chown fetchmail /var/run/fetchmail
# Configures Postfix
COPY target/postfix/ target/postfix/ /etc/postfix/
COPY target/postfix/header_checks.pcre target/postfix/sender_header_filter.pcre target/postfix/sender_login_maps.pcre /etc/postfix/maps/
RUN echo "" > /etc/aliases
# Configuring Logs
RUN sed -i -r "/^#?compress/c\compress\ncopytruncate" /etc/logrotate.conf && \
2017-07-23 17:38:34 +00:00
mkdir -p /var/log/mail && \
chown syslog:root /var/log/mail && \
touch /var/log/mail/clamav.log && \
chown -R clamav:root /var/log/mail/clamav.log && \
touch /var/log/mail/freshclam.log && \
chown -R clamav:root /var/log/mail/freshclam.log && \
debian stretch slim (#784) * Switch to stretch-slim as base image. - first step correct the testdata, as newer packages are more strict about the mail-structure. * Switch to stretch-slim: correcting the test-environment and the build - add missing build-step to make - clean the userdb aswell - use timeout of netcat, as postgrey would not close the connection - there is 2 extra mail-logs -> assert_output 5 - cosmetic: use "" instead of '' * Switch to stretch-slim: new image: - smaller size - 0 CVEs compared to 11 CVEs in ubuntu 16.04 Image better backport situation - postfix 3.1.6 vs 3.1.0 - fail2ban 0.9.6 vs 0.9.3 ... changes needed because of stretch-slim: - add missing gnupg and iproute2 package - remove non-free rar, unrar-free should do - rsyslog does not add syslog user and has different conf-structure - pyzor command discover was deprecated and is missing in the new stretch package - dovecot does not know SSLv2 anymore. removed because of warnings in log - iptables does not know imap3, IMAP working group chose imap2 in favor of imap3 * Switch to debian stretch slim: SSLv2 seems to be a not known protocol anymore - good! * switch to debian stretch slim: make this test more stable. there might be more than only one mail.log (, mail.warn, ...) * switch to debian stretc slim: new openssl 1.1.0 needs stronger ciphers, removed some weekers ones. Please, look through the new list of cipher! this needs to be done in another commit for all other SSL/TLS-Endpoints aswell. * Switch to debian stretch slim: let our server pre-empt the cipher list. Did a read through, wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/FORWARD_SECRECY_READMEDOThtml and wwwDOTpostfixDOTorg/TLS_READMEDOThtml * Switch to debian stretch slim: lets give this openssl-based test a new and independent but identical container. many other test on the main 'mail' container might interfere here. * Switch to debian stretch slim: remove unused lines
2017-12-31 11:33:48 +00:00
sed -i -r 's|/var/log/mail|/var/log/mail/mail|g' /etc/rsyslog.conf && \
sed -i -r 's|;auth,authpriv.none|;mail.none;mail.error;auth,authpriv.none|g' /etc/rsyslog.conf && \
sed -i -r 's|LogFile /var/log/clamav/|LogFile /var/log/mail/|g' /etc/clamav/clamd.conf && \
sed -i -r 's|UpdateLogFile /var/log/clamav/|UpdateLogFile /var/log/mail/|g' /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf && \
sed -i -r 's|/var/log/clamav|/var/log/mail|g' /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-daemon && \
2020-04-11 07:31:53 +00:00
sed -i -r 's|invoke-rc.d.*|/usr/bin/supervisorctl signal hup clamav >/dev/null \|\| true|g' /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-daemon && \
sed -i -r 's|/var/log/clamav|/var/log/mail|g' /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-freshclam && \
2020-04-11 07:31:53 +00:00
sed -i -r 's|invoke-rc.d|#invoke-rc.d|g' /etc/logrotate.d/clamav-freshclam && \
2017-09-12 17:33:52 +00:00
sed -i -r 's|/var/log/mail|/var/log/mail/mail|g' /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog && \
sed -i -r '/\/var\/log\/mail\/mail.log/d' /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog && \
2017-09-12 17:33:52 +00:00
# prevent syslog logrotate warnings \
sed -i -e 's/\(printerror "could not determine current runlevel"\)/#\1/' /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d && \
sed -i -e 's/^\(POLICYHELPER=\).*/\1/' /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d && \
# prevent email when /sbin/init or init system is not existing \
sed -i -e 's/invoke-rc.d rsyslog rotate > \/dev\/null/invoke-rc.d rsyslog --quiet rotate > \/dev\/null/g' /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog
# Get LetsEncrypt signed certificate
RUN curl -s > /etc/ssl/certs/lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.pem
COPY ./target/bin /usr/local/bin
# Start-mailserver script
COPY ./target/ ./target/ ./target/ ./target/ ./target/ ./target/ ./target/docker-configomat/ /usr/local/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/*
2016-01-08 16:52:06 +00:00
# Configure supervisor
COPY target/supervisor/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
COPY target/supervisor/conf.d/* /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
2016-01-23 22:51:09 +00:00
# Switch iptables and ip6tables to legacy for fail2ban
RUN update-alternatives --set iptables /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy \
&& update-alternatives --set ip6tables /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy
EXPOSE 25 587 143 465 993 110 995 4190
CMD ["supervisord", "-c", "/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf"]