# XXX $USER must not contain /s and other syntactic characters
USER=$(escape "$USER")
sed -i "/^"$USER"|/d" $DATABASE
[ $? != 0 ] && errex "$USER couldn't be deleted in $DATABASE. $?"
# Delete all aliases where the user is the only recipient( " $USER$" )
# Delete user only for all aliases that deliver to multiple recipients ( ",$USER" "$USER," )
sed -i -e "/ "$USER"$/d" \
-e "s/,"$USER"//g" \
-e "s/"$USER",//g" $ALIAS_DATABASE
[ $? = 0 ] && echo "$USER and potential aliases deleted." || errex "Aliases for $USER couldn't be deleted in $ALIAS_DATABASE. $?"
if [ "$MAILDEL" != "y" ]; then
read -p "Do you want to delete the maildir as well(all mails will be removed)?(y/n) " MAILDEL
[ "$MAILDEL" != "y" ] && errex "Leaving the maildir untouched. If you want to delete it at a later point use \"sudo docker exec mail rm -R /var/mail/${MAILARR[1]}/${MAILARR[0]}\""