[Amazon SES (Simple Email Service)](https://aws.amazon.com/ses/) is intended to provide a simple way for cloud based applications to send email and receive email. For the purposes of this project only sending email via SES is supported. Older versions of docker-mailserver used `AWS_SES_HOST` and `AWS_SES_USERPASS` to configure sending, this has changed and the setup is mananged through [Configure Relay Hosts][docs-relay].
You will need to create some [Amazon SES SMTP credentials](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/smtp-credentials.html). The SMTP credentials you create will be used to populate the `RELAY_USER` and `RELAY_PASSWORD` environment variables.
If you set up [AWS Easy DKIM](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/send-email-authentication-dkim-easy.html) you can safely skip setting up DKIM as the AWS SES will take care of signing your outgoing email.
To verify proper operation, send an email to some external account of yours and inspect the mail headers. You will also see the connection to SES in the mail logs. For example: