* the certs folder name located in `letsencrypt/live/` must be the `fqdn` of your container responding to the `hostname` command. The full qualified domain name (`fqdn`) inside the docker container is build combining the `hostname` and `domainname` values of the docker-compose file, e. g.: hostname: `mail`; domainname: `myserver.tld`; fqdn: `mail.myserver.tld`
#### Example using docker, nginx-proxy and letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion ####
If you are running a web server already, it is non-trivial to generate a Let's Encrypt certificate for your mail server using ```certbot```, because port 80 is already occupied. In the following example, we show how ```docker-mailserver``` can be run alongside the docker containers ```nginx-proxy``` and ```letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion```.
There are several ways to start ```nginx-proxy``` and ```letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion```. Any method should be suitable here. For example start ```nginx-proxy``` as in the ```letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion``` [documentation](https://github.com/JrCs/docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion):
Then start ```letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion```:
docker run -d \
-v /path/to/certs:/etc/nginx/certs:rw \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
--volumes-from nginx-proxy \
Start the rest of your web server containers as usual.
Start another container for your ```mail.myserver.tld```. This will generate a Let's Encrypt certificate for your domain, which can be used by ```docker-mailserver```. It will also run a web server on port 80 at that address.:
docker run -d \
--name webmail \
-e "VIRTUAL_HOST=mail.myserver.tld" \
-e "LETSENCRYPT_HOST=mail.myserver.tld" \
-e "LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=foo@bar.com" \
You may want to add ```-e LETSENCRYPT_TEST=true``` to the above while testing to avoid the Let's Encrypt certificate generation rate limits.
Finally, start ```docker-mailserver``` with ```path/to/certs/mail.mydomain.tld``` mounted to ```/etc/letsencrypt/live/mail.mydomain.tld```
Note that the certificate will be generate for the container `fqdn`, that is passed as `-h` argument.
Check the following page for more information regarding [postfix and SSL/TLS configuration](http://www.mad-hacking.net/documentation/linux/applications/mail/using-ssl-tls-postfix-courier.xml).
* if a matching certificate (files listed above) is found in `config/ssl`, it will be automatically setup in postfix and dovecot. You just have to place them in `config/ssl` folder.
You can also provide your own certificate files. Add these entries to your `docker-compose.yml`:
- /etc/ssl:/tmp/ssl:ro
- SSL_TYPE=manual
- SSL_CERT_PATH=/tmp/ssl/cert/public.crt
- SSL_KEY_PATH=/tmp/ssl/private/private.key
This will mount the path where your ssl certificates reside as read-only under `/tmp/ssl`. Then all you have to do is to specify the location of your private key and the certificate.
Please note that you may have to restart your mailserver once the certificates change.
ssl=yes and disable_plaintext_auth=no: SSL/TLS is offered to the client, but the client isn't required to use it. The client is allowed to login with plaintext authentication even when SSL/TLS isn't enabled on the connection. This is insecure, because the plaintext password is exposed to the internet.