[`containrrr/watchtower`][watchtower-dockerhub] is a service that monitors Docker images for updates, automatically applying them to running containers.
!!! tip "The image tag used for a container is monitored for updates (eg: `:latest`, `:edge`, `:13`)"
The automatic update support is **only for updates to that specific image tag**.
- Your container will not update to a new major version tag (_unless using `:latest`_).
- Omit the minor or patch portion of the semver tag to receive updates for the omitted portion (_eg: `13` will represent the latest minor + patch release of `v13`_).
By default the `watchtower` service will check every 24 hours for new image updates to pull, based on currently running containers (_**not restricted** to only those running within your `compose.yaml`_).
Images eligible for updates can configured with a [custom `command`][docker-docs-compose-command] that provides a list of container names, or via other supported options (eg: labels). This configuration is detailed in the [`watchtower` docs][watchtower-docs].