{ "applianceModel": { "id": 710, "name": "HADG6DS46BWIFI", "code": "11111111", "applianceTypeId": 15, "applianceTypeName": "HO", "brand": "haier", "connectivity": "wifi|ble", "attributes": [ { "id": 13293, "parName": "lowerBarrierDate", "parValue": "2124", "status": 1, "lastUpdate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z" }, { "id": 13298, "parName": "lighting", "parValue": "whiteLed", "status": 1, "lastUpdate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z" }, { "id": 13303, "parName": "interfaceType", "parValue": "series|speedLevel|series|lighting", "status": 1, "lastUpdate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z" }, { "id": 13308, "parName": "series", "parValue": "series4", "status": 1, "lastUpdate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z" }, { "id": 13313, "parName": "speedLevel", "parValue": "5", "status": 1, "lastUpdate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z" }, { "id": 38364, "parName": "serviceability", "parValue": "none", "status": 1, "lastUpdate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z" }, { "id": 61400, "parName": "fwLabel", "parValue": "iotfw_epp", "status": 1, "lastUpdate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z" } ], "options": {} }, "settings": { "setParameters": { "description": "The message allows to change parameters values to enable/disable specific features ", "protocolType": "MQTT", "parameters": { "lightStatus": { "category": "command", "typology": "range", "mandatory": 0, "defaultValue": "0", "minimumValue": "0", "maximumValue": "1", "incrementValue": "1" }, "windSpeed": { "category": "command", "typology": "range", "mandatory": 0, "defaultValue": "0", "minimumValue": "0", "maximumValue": "5", "incrementValue": "1" }, "filterCleaningAlarmStatus": { "category": "command", "typology": "fixed", "mandatory": 0, "fixedValue": "0" }, "delayTime": { "category": "command", "typology": "range", "mandatory": 0, "defaultValue": "1", "minimumValue": "1", "maximumValue": "99", "incrementValue": "1" }, "delayTimeStatus": { "category": "command", "typology": "range", "mandatory": 0, "defaultValue": "0", "minimumValue": "0", "maximumValue": "1", "incrementValue": "1" }, "quickDelayTimeStatus": { "category": "command", "typology": "range", "mandatory": 0, "defaultValue": "0", "minimumValue": "0", "maximumValue": "1", "incrementValue": "1" }, "clockHH": { "category": "command", "typology": "range", "mandatory": 0, "minimumValue": "0", "maximumValue": "21", "incrementValue": "1" }, "clockMM": { "category": "command", "typology": "range", "mandatory": 0, "minimumValue": "0", "maximumValue": "59", "incrementValue": "1" }, "clockSS": { "category": "command", "typology": "range", "mandatory": 0, "minimumValue": "0", "maximumValue": "59", "incrementValue": "1" } } }, "setConfig": { "description": "The message allows to set platform parameters", "protocolType": "MQTT", "parameters": { "mqttEndpoint": { "category": "command", "typology": "fixed", "mandatory": 0 }, "httpEndpoint": { "category": "command", "typology": "fixed", "mandatory": 0 } } } }, "stopProgram": { "description": "The message allows to stop the program", "protocolType": "MQTT", "parameters": { "onOffStatus": { "category": "command", "typology": "fixed", "mandatory": 1, "fixedValue": "0" }, "lightStatus": { "category": "command", "typology": "fixed", "mandatory": 0, "fixedValue": "0" }, "windSpeed": { "category": "command", "typology": "fixed", "mandatory": 0, "fixedValue": "0" } } }, "startProgram": { "PROGRAMS.HO.undefined": { "description": "The command allows to start a program", "protocolType": "MQTT", "parameters": { "onOffStatus": { "category": "command", "typology": "fixed", "mandatory": 1, "fixedValue": "1" }, "lightStatus": { "category": "command", "typology": "range", "mandatory": 0, "defaultValue": "0", "minimumValue": "0", "maximumValue": "1", "incrementValue": "1" }, "windSpeed": { "category": "command", "typology": "range", "mandatory": 0, "defaultValue": "0", "minimumValue": "0", "maximumValue": "5", "incrementValue": "1" } } } }, "options": {}, "dictionaryId": 234 }